Haven for the Human Amoeba

3,401 / 4,883
dvitro2 Diane Vitro
Diane Vitro

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

3,402 / 4,883
goddessatplay Asexual One
Asexual One

Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand

Asexuality Aotearoa New ZealandHome | Visibility and Awareness | Community | Links | Contact Us


The Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand (AANZ) website has been specifically created to provide information for the asexual community of Aotearoa New Zealand. AANZ aims to increase the awareness and visibility of asexuality in Aotearoa New Zealand and to encourage the formation of asexual groups throughout the country.

What is Asexuality? Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. Asexuals can be defined as people who do not experience sexual attraction or, put simply, people who do not care about sex. Apart from this core criteria asexuals differ hugely in areas such as attraction, arousal, relationships and identity. More detailed information on asexuality can be found using the range of web resources listed on our Links page.

Visibility, Awareness and Community While diversity is a very important part of the asexual community its members all have one thing in common: a lack of sexual attraction. This lack of attraction can present problems for asexual people who, generally, live in societies and cultures that place a very high value on sexual relationships. Asexuals often feel deficient or inadequate because of their lack of sexual desire and many face criticism if they choose not to enter into sexual relationships. In addition, since asexuality has only recently been recognised and discussed many asexuals have grown up in environments where they have perceived their feelings as being unique to themselves, often resulting in profound feelings of isolation. AANZ believes that these issues can be addressed by increasing the visibility and awareness of asexuality and by the creation of asexual communities. Further information on these activities can be found on our Visibility and Awareness and Community pages.

Last updated: 01/11/2005. Copyright 2005 Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand. All rights reserved. Original design by TemplateYes


3,403 / 4,883
bluewatersparkling chris

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand

Parent Comment

Asexuality Aotearoa New ZealandHome | Visibility and Awareness | Community | Links | Contact Us


The Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand (AANZ) website has been specifically created to provide information for the asexual community of Aotearoa New Zealand. AANZ aims to increase the awareness and visibility of asexuality in Aotearoa New Zealand and to encourage the formation of asexual groups throughout the country.

What is Asexuality? Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. Asexuals can be defined as people who do not experience sexual attraction or, put simply, people who do not care about sex. Apart from this core criteria asexuals differ hugely in areas such as attraction, arousal, relationships and identity. More detailed information on asexuality can be found using the range of web resources listed on our Links page.

Visibility, Awareness and Community While diversity is a very important part of the asexual community its members all have one thing in common: a lack of sexual attraction. This lack of attraction can present problems for asexual people who, generally, live in societies and cultures that place a very high value on sexual relationships. Asexuals often feel deficient or inadequate because of their lack of sexual desire and many face criticism if they choose not to enter into sexual relationships. In addition, since asexuality has only recently been recognised and discussed many asexuals have grown up in environments where they have perceived their feelings as being unique to themselves, often resulting in profound feelings of isolation. AANZ believes that these issues can be addressed by increasing the visibility and awareness of asexuality and by the creation of asexual communities. Further information on these activities can be found on our Visibility and Awareness and Community pages.

Last updated: 01/11/2005. Copyright 2005 Asexuality Aotearoa New Zealand. All rights reserved. Original design by TemplateYes


3,404 / 4,883
goddessatplay Asexual One
Asexual One

Asexuality and Marriage

Asexuality and Marriage From Pat Gaudette, Your Guide to Divorce Support. FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

Why would a man refuse to have sex with his wife? Recently, a woman wrote to me after finding my article about the Madonna/Whore Complex during a web search. She is looking for reasons her husband avoids having sex with her. Despite her attempts to be attractive, seductive, and encouraging a sexual relationship, her husband says they don't "need to have sex in order to express love" for each other.

It is impossible for a non-professional to diagnose a person's sexual problems. Neither the woman who wrote to me, nor I, are qualified to diagnose what may be keeping her husband from fulfilling his role as a sexual partner in their marriage. Her initial thought was that her husband was asexual but after reading about the Madonna/Whore Complex she was considering it as a possibility also. zSB(3,3);if(!z336){var zIsb=gEI("adsb");if(zIsb){zIsb.style.display="inline";zIsb.style.height="0px";zIsb.style.width="0px";}var zIss=gEI("adss");if(zIss){zIss.style.display="inline";zIss.style.height="0px";zIss.style.width="0px";}} What Is Asexuality? The following is a quote from the Asexual Visibility and Education Network: "Because we don't care about sex, asexual people generally do not see a lack of sexual arousal as a problem to be corrected, and focus their energy on enjoying other types of arousal and pleasure." To quote from the above site again: "An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Unlike celibacy, which people choose, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are." A further search finds this definition of Asexuality in Wikipedia: "Asexuality is a designation or self-designation for people who lack feelings of sexual attraction and/or sexual desire." Quoting from the above article: "Those asexuals who do want romantic relationships are in a difficult position, as the majority of people are not asexual. Asexuals able to tolerate sex can pair up with non-asexuals, but even then their lack of attraction can be psychologically distressing to their partner, making a long-term romance difficult. Asexuals who cannot tolerate sex must either compromise with their partners and have a certain amount anyway, give their partners permission to seek sex elsewhere, have sexless relationships with those few who are willing, only date other asexuals, or stay single." Asexual or Madonna/Whore Complex? From Pat Gaudette, Your Guide to Divorce Support. FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

A man suffering from the Madonna/Whore Complex is capable of having sex and may have quite a healthy sexual appetite. That sexual appetite and capability just don't extend to his "Madonna," the woman he places on a very high pedestal. He may be quite the stud outside of his marital bed.

The asexual man, from the definitions I've found, isn't interested in having sex with anyone. However, if it takes sex to get the companionship he craves, he may at least make the effort until he accomplishes his goal. These are not the only reasons a spouse may be indifferent to sex. He may prefer sex with a same sex partner but be too afraid to disclose his sexual orientation for fear of the repercussions. A low sex drive doesn't have to spell disaster for a marriage. An asexual woman paired with a Madonna/Whore man, an asexual man matched with an asexual woman, or even two homosexuals hiding their preferences under the cloak of marriage, may have successful marriages. A healthy sexual relationship is important to a successful marriage. zSB(3,3);if(!z336){var zIsb=gEI("adsb");if(zIsb){zIsb.style.display="inline";zIsb.style.height="0px";zIsb.style.width="0px";}var zIss=gEI("adss");if(zIss){zIss.style.display="inline";zIss.style.height="0px";zIss.style.width="0px";}} "Healthy" means many things and when both husband and wife are happy within the relationship, that's all that matters regardless of how the dynamics of the relationship might not suit someone else.

2005 About, Inc., A part of the New York Times Company. http://divorcesupport.about.com/od/sexualproblems/a/sexlessmarriage_2.htm

3,405 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

I agree that the reason that Harriet Miers was "Borked" by Republicans (but she was not rejected by all fundamentalists) was principally because of all of the reasons given by Diane. However, you have to admit that her "spinsterness" caused the pundits to regard her as being quaint. Don't forget that Souter was also a never-married nominee. Never getting married makes a person unconventional. After all the norm is marriage.

I don't think that asexuality is the province of the left. In fact celibacy is more common to religious conservatives---so far as I can tell. Moreover, asexuality---for women---is considered a good trait, according to some fundamentalists. This helps to assure virginity/chastity prior to marriage. Some muslim groups circumcise women to eliminate sexual desire. Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

By the way, I like sturm and drang in the board. It makes it more lively to read---so long as people don't get pissed off and leave in a pout.

Diane, I have a question for you. You label yourself as a religious fundamentalist. Are you married? Do you consider marriage an option with your asexuality?

Diane Vitro said:

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

3,406 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

I agree that the reason that Harriet Miers was "Borked" by Republicans (but she was not rejected by all fundamentalists) was principally because of all of the reasons given by Diane. However, you have to admit that her "spinsterness" caused the pundits to regard her as being quaint. Don't forget that Souter was also a never-married nominee. Never getting married makes a person unconventional. After all the norm is marriage.

I don't think that asexuality is the province of the left. In fact celibacy is more common to religious conservatives---so far as I can tell. Moreover, asexuality---for women---is considered a good trait, according to some fundamentalists. This helps to assure virginity/chastity prior to marriage. Some muslim groups circumcise women to eliminate sexual desire. Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

By the way, I like sturm and drang in the board. It makes it more lively to read---so long as people don't get pissed off and leave in a pout.

Diane, I have a question for you. You label yourself as a religious fundamentalist. Are you married? Do you consider marriage an option with your asexuality?

Diane Vitro said:

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

3,407 / 4,883
red_vorlon Adam Ophir Shapira
Adam Ophir Shapira

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

I agree that the reason that Harriet Miers was "Borked" by Republicans (but she was not rejected by all fundamentalists) was principally because of all of the reasons given by Diane. However, you have to admit that her "spinsterness" caused the pundits to regard her as being quaint. Don't forget that Souter was also a never-married nominee. Never getting married makes a person unconventional. After all the norm is marriage.

I don't think that asexuality is the province of the left. In fact celibacy is more common to religious conservatives---so far as I can tell. Moreover, asexuality---for women---is considered a good trait, according to some fundamentalists. This helps to assure virginity/chastity prior to marriage. Some muslim groups circumcise women to eliminate sexual desire. Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

By the way, I like sturm and drang in the board. It makes it more lively to read---so long as people don't get pissed off and leave in a pout.

Diane, I have a question for you. You label yourself as a religious fundamentalist. Are you married? Do you consider marriage an option with your asexuality?

Diane Vitro said:

Geesh! Ignore this list for a little while and then come back to all this sturm and drang! I AM asexual. I AM also what is termed an EXTREME right wing conservative. None of you has the slightest clue about why conservatives and religious fundamentalists (yes, I'm one of those too) wanted to dump Harriet Miers.

First off, none of us cared in the least about her sexual orientation. We didn't like her nominationation because for one thing, she didn't have any real experience. She had never argued a case before the Supreme Court and there was no way to tell whether she possessed the legal understanding to interpret the U.S. Constitution. We also didn't know whether she was conservative or liberal, and goodness knows we didn't want another creepy liberal in there. David Souter sends shivers down our conservative spines - and not because of his sexuality, but because he was put on the court by another so-called conservative, George H.W. Bush. We had no intention of watching the current Bush do the same thing to us again.

Get over the idea that asexuality is the property of liberals. I'm here to tell you that it just isn't so.


chris said:
On , Asexual One said:

In typical Maher hyperbole, he declared that "there are only three possibilities if you've never married or had kids by 60": Miers is either "an asexual figure ... [who] isn't using the equipment God gave her for making babies," a "practicing lesbian," or "a slut." <snip>

No one is intimating that Miers has Thomas-like sexual skeletons in her closet, but, as Maher pointed out, "Undefined sexuality in women makes them [Republicans] nervous." <snip>

There's something making those conservatives nervous. From all accounts, there are few reasons to be concerned about Miers fealty to the right's social agenda.

Its certainly something to consider. There is cultural expectation that sex is universal. Marriage is a symbol of sanctioned sex. Children are considered to be sign that sanctioned sex has been engaged in. But the absence of either makes some people uneasy.

I think the overall gist of the article is wrong. The religious right (and other conservatives) for decades have had their sights set on overturning Roe v. Wade. and on leaving an enduring conservative imprint on the Supreme Court. This is their big chance... one that they will not get again for quite some time, perhaps decades. So they want a iron-clad guarantee that the next Supreme Court justice is "one of us".

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

fyre_fliy wrote:

Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

That sounds like a distorted view of history.

Men have been branded in that way too --- and have even suffered violence as a result.

There was one medieval philosopher who ended up having a mob castrate him for that very reason.

But I guess nowadays it's politically correct to say "Society has always repressed women and men have had all things hunky-dory" --- and it's considered politically incorrect to contradict that.

Well --- newsfash to the PC world. Sexism affects BOTH sexes adversely -- and it can't be successfully confronted until this fact is acknowledged.

Adam Ophir Shapira Virtual Stoa Discussion Forum -- http://virtualstoa.org

3,408 / 4,883
bluewatersparkling chris

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

fyre_fliy wrote:

Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

That sounds like a distorted view of history.

Men have been branded in that way too --- and have even suffered violence as a result.

There was one medieval philosopher who ended up having a mob castrate him for that very reason.

But I guess nowadays it's politically correct to say "Society has always repressed women and men have had all things hunky-dory" --- and it's considered politically incorrect to contradict that.

Well --- newsfash to the PC world. Sexism affects BOTH sexes adversely -- and it can't be successfully confronted until this fact is acknowledged.

Adam Ophir Shapira Virtual Stoa Discussion Forum -- http://virtualstoa.org

3,409 / 4,883
goddessatplay Asexual One
Asexual One

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Sex and the Single Nominee

Parent Comment

fyre_fliy wrote:

Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

That sounds like a distorted view of history.

Men have been branded in that way too --- and have even suffered violence as a result.

There was one medieval philosopher who ended up having a mob castrate him for that very reason.

But I guess nowadays it's politically correct to say "Society has always repressed women and men have had all things hunky-dory" --- and it's considered politically incorrect to contradict that.

Well --- newsfash to the PC world. Sexism affects BOTH sexes adversely -- and it can't be successfully confronted until this fact is acknowledged.

Adam Ophir Shapira Virtual Stoa Discussion Forum -- http://virtualstoa.org


I agree with you in that sexism is a problem that needs to be understood and eradicated. Most people do not understand sexism, or if they do, they think it is not a problem. All of us, female and male, have been socialized from birth on to accept sexist thought and action. As a consequence, females can be just as sexist as men. We need to understand that we are all participants in perpetuating sexism.

To advance the agenda of eradicating sexist thinking, we would need to rethink our notions of manhood and womanhood. Rather than continuing to see them as opposites, with different "inherent" characteristics, we would need to recognize biological differences without seeing them as markers of specific character traits. This would mean no longer thinking that it is "natural" for boys to be strong and girls to be weak, for boys to be active and girls passive.

Our task in parenting and in education would be to encourage in both females and males the capacity to be wholistic, to be capable of being both strong and weak, active and passive, etc., in response to specific contexts.

Rather than defining manhood in relation to sexuality, we would acknowledge it in relation to biology: boys become men, girls women, with the understanding that both categories are synonymous with self-hood.


Adam Ophir Shapira said:

fyre_fliy wrote:

Regardless, virtually all cultures and religions condemn promiscuous women. Whereas, no man is condemned as a slut.

That sounds like a distorted view of history.

Men have been branded in that way too --- and have even suffered violence as a result.

There was one medieval philosopher who ended up having a mob castrate him for that very reason.

But I guess nowadays it's politically correct to say "Society has always repressed women and men have had all things hunky-dory" --- and it's considered politically incorrect to contradict that.

Well --- newsfash to the PC world. Sexism affects BOTH sexes adversely -- and it can't be successfully confronted until this fact is acknowledged.

Adam Ophir Shapira Virtual Stoa Discussion Forum -- http://virtualstoa.org

3,410 / 4,883
goddessatplay Asexual One
Asexual One

THE WOMAN QUESTION (Oppressive Sexist Attitudes)

THE WOMAN QUESTION Not many women came forward to support Kushboo, but Rajashri Dasgupta wonders if the media too should shoulder some blame

They also serve It is no coincidence that those who have been attacked for supporting Kushboo are public figures, all women.

Actress Suhasini Maniratnam was among the first, showing rare courage when many in the film industry remained silent spectators.

Both Sania Mirza and Narain Karthikeyan spoke at a function about the controversy. In fact, the Formula-I drivers words in support of Kushboo were more forthright than Suhasinis, but Sania Mirza has been hounded since.

The political parties spearheading the attacks, the Pattali Makkal Katchi and Dalit Panther, have demanded an apology from Suhasini, failing which they proposed to launch an agitation against her as well. In Andhra Pradesh, both Hindu and Muslim fundamentalists have found common cause: the Muslim clergy issued a veiled threat of excommunicating Sania Mirza for her outrageous stand while the Vishwa Hindu Parishad accused the 19-year-old of bringing shame on Indian society by trying to break down the institution of marriage.

Second,this kind of culture-policing and mob-censorship has serious implications for the freedom of expression. People including women have the right to express their opinion on issues which affect their social and professional lives. Womens World, a network of women writers, had noted in its newsletter that womens voice is generally greeted with indifference. But those who have tried to have a public voice, have met with hatred, contempt, suppression, exile, even death. As long as Kushboo played the romantic heroine, she remained the darling of the Tamil people, but the tables were turned when she dared to speak out in public on the issue of sex and marriage.

Clearly, Kushboo has committed no sin or crime. Given the high incidence of HIV/AIDS in the country, the importance of condoms and safe sex cannot be overemphasized. Even the school education system has woken up to this reality and introduced to lifestyle education (a euphemism for sex education) in the curriculum of adolescents. This proposal too met with a great deal of resistance, mostly arising out of the refusal to admit that young adolescents are aware and even curious about the subject of sex.

The real issue in the Kushboo controversy is not sex before marriage; it is all about control over women. Like the Victorians, Indians to this day lay great store by sexual restraint and moral uprightness in women. They feel that in the absence of a system of control, womens sexual appetite and powers would be dangerous to society. Hence the attack on womens speech, somewhat akin to attacks on womens dress or on their right to choose their husbands. Women have been, and continue to be, killed in the name of protecting the communitys honour. Women have been forced, often with legal help, to conform to dress codes formulated for them by men.

In the eyes of her attackers, Kushboo, considered to be a genteel, refined woman (as opposed to destitute women, whose vulgarity is taken for granted and excused), has sinned by overstepping the line and speaking about womens sexuality. Her sins were compounded manifold by the fact that she chose not to chastise those who may have had, or supported, sex before marriage, but to acknowledge that women are not asexual, passive objects, but could be active participants in the sexual act.

There is every reason to believe that the backlash against Kushboo is political. It is the fear of womens growing autonomy that has shaken up the men who play politics in the region and the country. The silence till now, for instance, of the South Indian Film Artistes Association, the rebuke of the chief minister, J. Jayalalithaa, the threats, the whispers and clucking of tongues show exactly what forces push women to comply and punish those who do not conform.

But the most dangerous manifestation of this is seen in women who internalize the rules and enforce them on themselves and on women around them. The defamation cases filed by the womens wing of the PMK against Kushboo and the criminal cases initiated by five women advocates bear ample proof of this. Hemmed in on all sides, a tearful Kushboo apologized for her remarks, Sania Mirza issued a clarification and Suhasini tendered a public apology after being showcaused.

In the entire drama, the medias role as a collaborator with the forces of repression cannot be denied. These days, journalists are no longer required to present the bare facts. Just as the culture police presented their version of Kushboos comment, a section of the media was at hand to help them with sensational headlines, hounding Sania Mirza for quotes, scrounging backstage for fresh scoops, fanning the mob frenzy all the while.

Protests by organizations against the unreason of the political activists were either ignored by the media or given a passing mention. Few newspapers mentioned that the All India Democratic Womens Association had condemned the moral policing, Womens World felt that the whole campaign was an insult to the teachings of E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker, a brilliant thinker forgotten today in Tamil politics. The Network of Women in Media has urged that any pluralistic society in transformation has to create space for varied views, and conflicting opinions. The media, rather than sensationalizing the issue, must provide the platform for democratic debate, said the network.

To blame Kushboo for corrupting all Tamil women is to entirely miss the point. The fact that issues like free speech and womens sexuality can inflame such passions even today indicate that we have a long way to go.

Copyright 2005 The Telegraph. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1051128/asp/opinion/story_5513460.asp

3,411 / 4,883
shelley_obs Eternity Eternity
Eternity Eternity

thanks for the reply, I am female and 33 living in Melbourne , Australia, looking forward to meeting other asexuals in this group. thanks

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3,412 / 4,883
goddessatplay Contemplative One
Contemplative One

Fwd: Asexuality

jensss6 said:

I host a call-in talk show focused on singles, dating and matchmaking. We are putting together a show on asexuality and would love to get your input. Ideally, we could have a conversation on celibacy during the live show. If that won't work we can pre-tape a conversation or share your written comments. Please let me know if you're willing to participate.

Email louis@... Website lovezona.com/show1.aspx

Thanks for your time.


3,413 / 4,883
twolfe36 Tiffany Wolfe
Tiffany Wolfe

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Fwd: Asexuality

Parent Comment
jensss6 said:

I host a call-in talk show focused on singles, dating and matchmaking. We are putting together a show on asexuality and would love to get your input. Ideally, we could have a conversation on celibacy during the live show. If that won't work we can pre-tape a conversation or share your written comments. Please let me know if you're willing to participate.

Email louis@... Website lovezona.com/show1.aspx

Thanks for your time.


I would love to participate, just let me know all the details.

Contemplative One said:
jensss6 said:

I host a call-in talk show focused on singles, dating and matchmaking. We are putting together a show on asexuality and would love to get your input. Ideally, we could have a conversation on celibacy during the live show. If that won't work we can pre-tape a conversation or share your written comments. Please let me know if you're willing to participate.

Email louis@... Website lovezona.com/show1.aspx

Thanks for your time.


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3,414 / 4,883
tedjmill Theodore Miller
Theodore Miller

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Fwd: Asexuality

If you'd like an older asexual (I'm 47), I'd be willing to write some comments and answers to questions.

Contemplative One
The Haven
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:35 AM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Fwd: Asexuality
jensss6 said:

I host a call-in talk show focused on singles, dating and matchmaking. We are putting together a show on asexuality and would love to get your input. Ideally, we could have a conversation on celibacy during the live show. If that won't work we can pre-tape a conversation or share your written comments. Please let me know if you're willing to participate.

Email louis@... Website lovezona.com/show1.aspx

Thanks for your time.


Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


a.. Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

3,415 / 4,883

Re: Fwd: Asexuality

Parent Comment
jensss6 said:

I host a call-in talk show focused on singles, dating and matchmaking. We are putting together a show on asexuality and would love to get your input. Ideally, we could have a conversation on celibacy during the live show. If that won't work we can pre-tape a conversation or share your written comments. Please let me know if you're willing to participate.

Email louis@... Website lovezona.com/show1.aspx

Thanks for your time.


Sound interesting Lou. :) I wish you and your team all the very best of luck. ;) Pitty it's based in America; as I live in south Wales, UK. Check out http://www.asexuality.org/home/ Theres a thriving asexual community there where I am sure you will find some willing participants. Again, best of luck. ;)

3,416 / 4,883


Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

3,417 / 4,883

asexual male looking for asexual female, my soulmate

I am a 33 year old male living in the New York City area. I am looking for my soul mate to complete me. At this point in my life, I have accomplished a successful career and do very well for myself. But now want to share the success of my life with that special person. I own my own duplex condo accross the street from the beach. I love to live life to the fullest and as mentioned wantto share to future of my life and all what it has to offer with someone.

Physical appearance: I am 6 feet tall at 170 lbs. I have an athletic, muscular build with dark brown hair and green eyes with better than average looks.

My interests: working out , playing and watching sports, eating at nice resturaunts, musuems, travleing, enjoying the NYC nightlife, movies, walks on the beach and so many other outdoor activities.

I am looking for an asexual female who is confident, outgoing and active. Someone who have the same interests as myself

I hope this group is the answer to my prayers in meeting that person

Sinerely Mike nycusa05@...

3,418 / 4,883
nycusa05 mike larceny
mike larceny

Hello, asexual male looking for asexual female

I am a 33 year old asexual male looking for an asexual female to share my life with. I want to share the success of my life and experience all that life has to offer with my "soul mate".I live in the NYC area and come from an Italian background with a big family and lots of friends. I have a succesful career and want to take life on with my that special someone.

Physical appearance: 6 feet tall with black hair and green eyes, Athletic, muscular build. Better than average looking. I look younger than my age and like to take care of myself

Interests: traveling, working out, eating at nice restaurants, museums, nightlife, play and watch sports, movies,skiing and more.

Looking for asexual female who is outgoing and active. Someone who loves to just enjoy life to it's fullest. I am looking for that special someone who I can share my life with.

My email address is nycusa05@...

3,419 / 4,883

Asexaul male looking for asexual female

I am a 33 year old asexual male looking for an asexual female to share my life with. I want to share the success of my life and experience all that life has to offer with my "soul mate".I live in the NYC area and come from an Italian background with a big family and lots of friends. I have a succesful career and want to take life on with my that special someone.

Physical appearance: 6 feet tall with black hair and green eyes, Athletic, muscular build. Better than average looking. I look younger than my age and like to take care of myself

Interests: traveling, working out, eating at nice restaurants, museums, nightlife, play and watch sports, movies,skiing and more.

Looking for asexual female who is outgoing and active. Someone who loves to just enjoy life to it's fullest. I am looking for that special someone who I can share my life with.

My email address is [email protected]

3,420 / 4,883
goddessatplay Contemplative One
Contemplative One

Celibate Passions Helps Introduce People Seeking Non-Sexual Relationships

Celibate Passions Helps Introduce People Seeking Non-Sexual Relationships

(OPENPRESS) January 17, 2006 -- Celibate Passions aims to help a segment of the population that is often overlooked, singles seeking platonic or non-sexual relationships. While online dating is growing every year, there is little attention paid to celibate singles. People often forget that voluntary and involuntary celibacy doesn't mean someone isn't interested in having an otherwise full relationship.

While celibacy isn't typically thought of when discussing online dating, it can be a factor for any number of reasons. Some people choose to be celibate until marriage, while other people are forced to deal with celibacy due to medical issues. Regardless of the reason for desiring a non-sexual relationship, Celibate Passions can help by allowing you to enjoy the thrills of online dating in an environment where celibacy is the norm. Enjoy chat, email, forums and more, with other singles looking for platonic relationships.

Celibate Passions provides a means for you to define what type of relationship you are looking for, and what type of celibacy you are engaged in...involuntary celibacy, medical celibacy, religious celibacy, voluntary celibacy. Or perhaps you have taken an abstinence pledge, or you would just like to remain celibate until marriage. Separately, you can also let people know if you are asexual, which is different from someone dealing with either voluntary or involuntary celibacy, in that there is just absolutely no sexual desire whatsoever.

Finding other people who are also interested in developing full relationships, minus the sex part, can be tricky. By providing an entire community of celibate singles, Celibate Passions hopes to make it easier for people to develop new friendships, and more.

There has been a lot of interest in the last few years regarding the concept of an abstinence pledge, where someone chooses to abstain from sex until marriage. Celibate Passions gives people who have chosen to take an abstinence pledge, a way to meet others without having to worry about being judged for their decision. In fact, since everyone on the site is celibate, the choice of an abstinence pledge wouldn't even be an issue.

For those individuals seeking platonic, non-sexual, or asexual relationships, Celibate Passions offers a safe and judgement free community.

Copyright 2005 theopenpress.com http://www.theopenpress.com/index.php?a=press&id=6819

3,421 / 4,883

female seeking male

I am a 43 year young African american asexual born again Christian woman seeking a African american born again Christian asexual man to share our lives. I have nerve damage in my legs and trouble walking but I am fun, loving and caring. Am seeking a man over 27, email me at jackie_3740@...

3,422 / 4,883
nycusa05 mike larceny
mike larceny

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Parent Comment

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

Hello Renee, how are you. Thanks for responding. Like you, I have kept my asexualty a secret. Do you have a profile? Where do you live? My intent is to ultimately meet that special someone for a life long relationship. What are you ultimatley looking for?

Hope to hear from you

Regards Mike

crazyjerseygothette said:

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

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3,423 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Parent Comment

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

I never thought of HM Elizabeth I as being asexual. She is known as the Virgin Queen because she never married. Historical evidance points to her being quite hetero. In fact, it is said that she had a former lover executed. I would be interested in documentation that states otherwise.


crazyjerseygothette <crazyjerseygothette@...>
[email protected]
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:06:54 -0000
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

Yahoo! Groups Links

3,424 / 4,883
crazyjerseygothette Renee X
Renee X

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Parent Comment

Hello Renee, how are you. Thanks for responding. Like you, I have kept my asexualty a secret. Do you have a profile? Where do you live? My intent is to ultimately meet that special someone for a life long relationship. What are you ultimatley looking for?

Hope to hear from you

Regards Mike

crazyjerseygothette said:

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

'ello mike, Don't know if I have a profile, your free to look though, can't hurt. I'm not really a techno-girl...more at home with a pile of books than a computer any day, so I don't have things like profiles, blogs and the such, sorry! As for what I am ultimatly looking for? Well not really looking. I want to see what this is all about. As far as my relationship interests go they are basically dead. I'm not exactally good at dating men (women are of no interest to me romantically....sorry ladies!) and have given up. There are only so many times a person can fall off the horse before they give up and just accept that they are a bad equestrian. I have grown to enjoy the bachlorette life, I take classes, frequent museams, see operas and plays, read more than one normally should, and don't have to deal with the annoyance of a man trying to bed me. I just hope that it all holds out! TTFN Renee'

mike larceny said:

Hello Renee, how are you. Thanks for responding. Like you, I have kept my asexualty a secret. Do you have a profile? Where do you live? My intent is to ultimately meet that special someone for a life long relationship. What are you ultimatley looking for?

Hope to hear from you

Regards Mike

crazyjerseygothette said:

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

3,425 / 4,883
crazyjerseygothette Renee X
Renee X

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Parent Comment

I never thought of HM Elizabeth I as being asexual. She is known as the Virgin Queen because she never married. Historical evidance points to her being quite hetero. In fact, it is said that she had a former lover executed. I would be interested in documentation that states otherwise.


crazyjerseygothette <crazyjerseygothette@...>
[email protected]
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:06:54 -0000
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

Yahoo! Groups Links

When I write of the Queen I do so seeing her as a legend. I know a-little about her life, but I know more of what writers thought of her. They praised her intelligence and chasity and loved her as almost something surreal. It is this Elizabeth I admire and look up to, not the one historians look for. As for the documentation, I would be hard pressed to find it. I am a biologist by nature and a literary nutcase by night. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look! However if you need a asexual pick-me-up, read The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spencer. He was a contemprory writer to Elizabeth I and the book praises chastity to no end. Makes one feel OK for not wanting to lay the latest hot actor. TTFN Renee'

kweenkmatt@... wrote: I never thought of HM Elizabeth I as being asexual. She is known as the Virgin Queen because she never married. Historical evidance points to her being quite hetero. In fact, it is said that she had a former lover executed. I would be interested in documentation that states otherwise.


crazyjerseygothette <crazyjerseygothette@...>
[email protected]
Sat, 14 Jan 2006 19:06:54 -0000
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Hello

Hello all, My name is Renee', I am a twenty-five year old lady who discovered her asexuality early in life. For a time I thought there was something wrong with me, but the more I study history and literature, the more I find others like me. All these women were admired from the Queen Elizabeth I of England to the goddess Diana. I am reluctant to tell others of my sexuality (or lack thereof) and so mostly keep to myself. I do wish to speak to other people who are asexual, if only to gain confidence in myself. Have a lovely day, Renee'

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SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

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