Haven for the Human Amoeba

3,626 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J Noble
J Noble

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Confusion about asexuality

Lost Troll, You should not have stayed so long.

Therese Shellabarger, will rip you a new asshole. She is very bright and doesn't put up with dong brains.

<[email protected]>
Monday, March 13, 2006 8:37 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Confusion about asexuality
On , Verylost Baby said:

Ok let's put in this way...Asexuality is a word. Created by culture. If we are here now talking through these screens is because of the same thing you are denying...sex, withouth it no evolutive process no humanity , no culture or anything...Am I just crazy here or this makes sense to you???

You need an education about SCIENCE, lost woman. Because you are ignorant and need to learn.

Anyway, the discussion isn't about us, it's about you talking to your man by talking to us. But it's not going to work because we're not your husband. So go talk to HIM, he's the one on your mind, not us.

And stop bothering people here who aren't in your life and don't want to be. You don't belong here, you are just a TROLL.

Therese Shellabarger - Civis Mundi - tlshell@...

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3,627 / 4,883
red_vorlon Adam Ophir Shapira
Adam Ophir Shapira

HOW do asexuals hurt you? (was: Confusion about asexuality)

Parent Comment

Of course I'm in the wrong place, but you cannot say that I do not have a right to be here, remember , I do not have sex for the last 06 years, and for the 10 years left, very little. I'm maybe in the other side of your safe world, I represent the ones you damage, you hurt on the way, (I do not mean you "you", but you asexual said people).

So now , if I cannot understand your ways, you are saying that you are ok., the problem should be me , the whole asexual world, including this nwgrp is well and truly centered (God help us now) I'm the one is not allright...that is what you are saying??? That is my problem now: Some others like me are maybe here watching and wondering how they got to love a low drive, asexual, dysfunction person and how they can help. It is also my problem when I see escapism, instead of straight answer to questions posted.

I still want to know which two animals are those, the asexual ones...

Kate Haws said:

what are you doing here??? You have big problems can`t you see them?

Verylost Baby said:

Hi iillina:

First, I do not think that supressing a natural instinct is such a pleasure. Those ideas contradict themselves. We are animals, social animals but still , hormone oriented, not only to sex and procriate, but to all emotions and afections, denying that is denying life itself. Avoiding contact with another being is a response to the world of your conflicted mind. Your body is just the receptor of whatever is going on with your self, this is so not compatible with the lame theory that : "we are just diferent: . You are not diferent, you are the same, biological, social, fisiologically, the diference in you is this place that you found to hide your emotions, to say to the world, " I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM, I'M JUST DIFERENT"

For me is "just nor enough" of a explanation. That you do not feel desires, romanticism, arousals, and are denying ultimely ORGASM, I know already, I live with one of you, but say that this is healthy, it is a completely diferent thing. and if it is not healthy it is sickness.

Even the way you mention sex (the stick in a whole) , a poor comparison, says to me that the way you see it, a mecanic act, and that is what I try to understand here, why you people hide your emotions, how you see the sexual act, I'm puzzled by this idea day by day...

I live with a wonderful guy that is sick, and I cannot just abandon him to some other partner, it is like if he had cancer or any other disease, he needs me now.

Really curios now about these two animals that you'd mention, how they get here through the evolutive chain??? By insemination? Which animals are that??


iillina z said:

Verylost, there are a few things you need to realise. Asexuals are out there, simply because you're writing to quite a few of them right now, there are quite a few more at AVEN and whenever I publish my Israeli Asex forum anywhere, at least 1-2 new people join and say "hey, I'm not alone! I want to join your community!" and we're talking about Israeli people here, we have a small population.

Second, asexuality is not a disorder, because a disorder is a situation where a person suffers. If a person suffers then they might have something called HSDD or another disorder, and should see a doctor about that. But we don't.

It's not that we're missing something. Try to talk to a straight man about guys as lovers. He'll tell you one of the following: a. guys don't interest me sexually, I'm straight. b. sex with guys is repulsive for me, personally, because I'm straight. An asexual man would say similar things as the straight man, but he'd say the same things about girls as well. All this only refers to the sexual part - as you have already seen, asexuals do often seek romantic relationships.

Now: I think, like the others, that it's very sad when someone defines their relationship using the ritual of putting a stick in a hole. As joyful and passionate as that may be to you, it's a physical "game". You don't live with someone for their sexual organs, you live with them because they're wonderfun human beings and you want them to be happy. Well, your partner is happy that way and you should be happy for him! Bringing stress into his life by demanding something that he doesn't like or making him feel like he's sick just because he's content with his life defies the principle that you want him to be happy.

If you truly can't live with that, then the whole deal was never real and you should separate. If you trust each other VERY much, you can go and have sex with other people, with his agreement. Some couples do that, even sexual ones. There are also products that you can buy that will help you get satisfied by yourself. If he's willing to have sex with you rarely, that might be the best deal. Both of you give up a bit for the other. But be prepared to have very few of it, and that your partner won't enjoy it.

Good luck with your relationship.

p.s. you say that we were made to procreate by nature. Nature also made us hunters that don't have computers or tvs or showers or microwave ovens. We grew up since then, and now we can be what we want, not what nature supposedly wanted us to be a million years ago. By the way, research in some species of animals (at least 2) showed that there are asexual animals as well.

On 3/12/06, Verylost Baby < verylostbaby@...> wrote: I do love someone that is different than me, that is sick and does not know it.

This whole asexual thing is ok, can be, for you people who are happy being who you are, without having fluids exchanges of any sort with another human being, without making others suffers because of your choice and so on...

Live and let the others live...

I'm here not to make a point, I'm here because, this perverted idea is my reality, every day, I wait for a change in our relationship, and no way out... Everything else is fine, we manage our lives in such a way that I could not ask for anybody else but him, but why has to be without sex???

I do just think that many of you, a majority, is not asexual per se, there is no such a thing, we were genetically made to procriate and mate, if our psyches says NO, please does not blame nature, but society...

I do accept asexual people, I do not accept this concept that it is natural, nature way (of what????) some people are just diferent ....Many of you are not happy, many like the 23yrs old girl can be convinced that she was born like that (lol) when something could be wrong with her in another level...

Asexuality is not normal or natural. (PERIOD)

artcatuk <catoncanvas@... > wrote:

You are just afraid of anyone who is different to you. Many of us have had our hormones checked, and the results have come back 'normal'. Yet we still desire to NOT have sex. It is just the way we are. Try opening your mind to the possability that other people are DIFFERENT to you, and to eachother. I am perfectly happy being asexual. IF it is caused by some imbalance in MY hormone levels, I do not wish to have them 'corrected'. The thought of myself engaging in such an act sickens me. But I do not in any way look down on my sexual friends. They are all very prescious to me. They understand and accept me for who I am, and never try to change me.

Well...that's my 'two cents'. I hope you and your partner can come to some understanding.

*Edit - Had recent blood-test results back. All normal.*

--- In [email protected] , Verylost Baby

verylostbaby@... said:

People sometimes cannot face their own demons...Also hormonal deficiencies can cause lost of libido, as well as hypertension, and many other ailments. All sickness.

Kate Haws said:

Asexuality is not sickness. I don`t like that idea. You should maybe change partner if the relationship is not enough for you. In fact I think myself that it is nature`s way to decrease human amount

Verylost Baby said:

Hi Anell:

I think we are in a reversal paralell, I have this assexual partner for 16 yrs , that seems to be happy being like that and making my life miserable for so many years... I'm brazilian and really confused about how to escape of this cage that I found myself in, since I do love him in so many ways... we do not have sex for the last 6 years, and I hate this assexual concept , just think that people who doesn't know themselves , escape to this "theory". We all have libido, if it does not manifest it is a disfunction of some kind... I was very sexual active before we met, now I think I'm also sick, not just him.

anell_olivia said:

Well, I am 23 yrs old, and I think that I am asexual. I feel no sexual desire toward no one. Neither do I feel attraction toward any sex (male/female). I have no desire of getting married in the future. I just dream of finding a guy best friend, who have my same condition and share as couples, but without sex, or those romanticism that could have....I am very confuse still, about this, but my desire doesn't have anything to do with sex, but to have a partner to share with...I am Spanish, Dominican, living in NJ haft of my life in this country actually, and I would accept any suggestion about asexuality because I am still about it...think u all...!

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Verylost Baby wrote:

Of course I'm in the wrong place, but you cannot say that I do not have a right to be here, remember , I do not have sex for the last 06 years, and for the 10 years left, very little. I'm maybe in the other side of your safe world, I represent the ones you damage, you hurt on the way, (I do not mean you "you", but you asexual said people).

You claim you are damaged by asexuals. Could you explain *how* asexuals damage you? What wounds do you have that you blame asexuals for?

Could there be any chance that your blame might be misplaced?

Seriously --- if you claim you are one of those who are *hurt* by asexuals --- surely there must be *some* problem in your life that you think asexuals are responsible for. Even if in truth asexuals have nothing to DO with it, you still THINK otherwise --- so what is it?

What is your problem --- and why do you blame asexuals for that problem?

Adam Ophir Shapira Virtual Stoa Discussion Forum -- http://virtualstoa.org

3,628 / 4,883
stefburn Elizabeth Sweet
Elizabeth Sweet

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Online Relationships Can Be Great

Parent Comment

Hi Elizabeth, I like the cerebral contact too. I must say I like the emotional, spiritual and physical affection too. Affection is simply that, nothing even close to sexuality. I think both online and offline relationships can be wonderfully satisfying.


"Elizabeth Sweet" <stefburn@...>
<[email protected]>
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:03 PM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Online Relationships Can Be Great

I live in the MD/DC area and have posted before about liking cerebral stimulation rather than physical. I am eager to meet others who are into cerebral, psychological stimulation. I used to actually visit chatrooms and engaged in online relationships with women that were more meaningful than real life situations. It made me realized that I could be in love with someone I never met physically, and desire someone but only for the psychological and mental stimulation I was receiving. I long to have such a relationship again. The feelings I felt seemed so deep for my online partner that I did want to go further but accepted that online probably worked much better for us. I have even had higher quality relationships with men. I don't feel as pressured, I know I can back away anytime I want. I know a lot of people feel that online relationships are not healthy, or that the people involve are out of touch with reality. That could be true to a degree. But I have to admit I actually felt whole again, and really enjoyed time spent. I decided to back off for a while from my online life cause my offline life needed more tending to, and I was getting bored/burntout. I am thinking about trying it again though. So give me a shout-out if you have had similar experiences or just want to comment on what I've wrote.

An Amoeba Waiting To Happen

Hi Jen,

Thanks for responding. I see you are quite active on the list here. Have you met anyone through this list? How have things been for you? Have you been able to develop relationships online, on this list? I am hoping to meet someone myself. It would be nice to have some camaraderie with an asexual person who shares interests, chemistry, etc. It's amazing how sometimes you can meet someone and not have very many interests but you can still flow and have great chemistry with one another. I've been finding that online. Online stuff has taught me a lot. It has given me some important tools for communication. <smile> Now if I would just use them more often.

Well, I hope to hear back from you and others who want to keep the thread going.


J Noble said:

Hi Elizabeth, I like the cerebral contact too. I must say I like the emotional, spiritual and physical affection too. Affection is simply that, nothing even close to sexuality. I think both online and offline relationships can be wonderfully satisfying.


"Elizabeth Sweet" <stefburn@...>
<[email protected]>
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:03 PM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Online Relationships Can Be Great

I live in the MD/DC area and have posted before about liking cerebral stimulation rather than physical. I am eager to meet others who are into cerebral, psychological stimulation. I used to actually visit chatrooms and engaged in online relationships with women that were more meaningful than real life situations. It made me realized that I could be in love with someone I never met physically, and desire someone but only for the psychological and mental stimulation I was receiving. I long to have such a relationship again. The feelings I felt seemed so deep for my online partner that I did want to go further but accepted that online probably worked much better for us. I have even had higher quality relationships with men. I don't feel as pressured, I know I can back away anytime I want. I know a lot of people feel that online relationships are not healthy, or that the people involve are out of touch with reality. That could be true to a degree. But I have to admit I actually felt whole again, and really enjoyed time spent. I decided to back off for a while from my online life cause my offline life needed more tending to, and I was getting bored/burntout. I am thinking about trying it again though. So give me a shout-out if you have had similar experiences or just want to comment on what I've wrote.

An Amoeba Waiting To Happen

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3,629 / 4,883
twolfe36 Tiffany Wolfe
Tiffany Wolfe

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

Parent Comment


It has the name (verylost baby). Lost is correct, because you are so unfulfilled in life that you feel the need to come here to stir up arguments and insult people.

Ignore this butt hook.


Verylost Baby
[email protected]
Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:59 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

I do love someone that is different than me, that is sick and does not know it.

This whole asexual thing is ok, can be, for you people who are happy being who you are, without having fluids exchanges of any sort with another human being, without making others suffers because of your choice and so on...

Live and let the others live...

I'm here not to make a point, I'm here because, this perverted idea is my reality, every day, I wait for a change in our relationship, and no way out... Everything else is fine, we manage our lives in such a way that I could not ask for anybody else but him, but why has to be without sex???

I do just think that many of you, a majority, is not asexual per se, there is no such a thing, we were genetically made to procriate and mate, if our psyches says NO, please does not blame nature, but society...

I do accept asexual people, I do not accept this concept that it is natural, nature way (of what????) some people are just diferent ....Many of you are not happy, many like the 23yrs old girl can be convinced that she was born like that (lol) when something could be wrong with her in another level...

Asexuality is not normal or natural. (PERIOD)

artcatuk said:

You are just afraid of anyone who is different to you. Many of us have had our hormones checked, and the results have come back 'normal'. Yet we still desire to NOT have sex. It is just the way we are. Try opening your mind to the possabi! lity that other people are DIFFERENT to you, and to eachother. I am perfectly happy being asexual. IF it is caused by some imbalance in MY hormone levels, I do not wish to have them 'corrected'. The thought of myself engaging in such an act sickens me. But I do not in any way look down on my sexual friends. They are all very prescious to me. They understand and accept me for who I am, and never try to change me.

Well...that's my 'two cents'. I hope you and your partner can come to some understanding.

*Edit - Had recent blood-test results back. All normal.*

Verylost Baby said:

People sometimes cannot face their own demons...Also hormonal deficiencies can cause lost of libido, as well as hypertension, and many other ailments. All sickness.

Kate Haws said:

Asexuality is not sickness. I don`t like that idea. You should maybe change partner if the relationship is not enough for you. In fact I think myself that it is nature`s way to decrease human amount

Verylost Baby said:

Hi Anell:

I think we are in a reversal paralell, I have this assexual partner for 16 yrs , that seems to be happy being like that and making my life miserable for so many years... I'm brazilian and really confused about how to escape of this cage that I found myself in, since I do love him in so many ways... we do not have sex for the last 6 years, and I hate this assexual concept , just think that people who doesn't know themselves , escape to this "theory". We all have libido, if it does not manifest it is a disfunction of some kind... I was very sexual active before we met, now I think I'm also sick, not just him.

anell_olivia said:

Well, I am 23 yrs old, and I think that I am asexual. I feel no sexual desire toward no one. Neither do I feel attraction toward any sex (male/female). I have no desire of getting married in the future. I just dream of finding a guy best friend, who have my same condition and share as couples, but without sex, or those romanticism that could have....I am very confuse still, about this, but my desire doesn't have anything to do with sex, but to have a partner to share with...I am Spanish, Dominican, living in NJ haft of my life in this country actually, and I would accept any suggestion about asexuality because I am still about it...think u all...!

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a.. Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

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THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP ON THIS FREAK!! Verylost baby needs to be found and move on out of this group & take your drama elsewhere. (Boring....makes me sleepy). Good luck finding a support group for your kind. GOODBYE...

J Noble said:


It has the name (verylost baby). Lost is correct, because you are so unfulfilled in life that you feel the need to come here to stir up arguments and insult people.

Ignore this butt hook.


Verylost Baby
[email protected]
Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:59 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

I do love someone that is different than me, that is sick and does not know it.

This whole asexual thing is ok, can be, for you people who are happy being who you are, without having fluids exchanges of any sort with another human being, without making others suffers because of your choice and so on...

Live and let the others live...

I'm here not to make a point, I'm here because, this perverted idea is my reality, every day, I wait for a change in our relationship, and no way out... Everything else is fine, we manage our lives in such a way that I could not ask for anybody else but him, but why has to be without sex???

I do just think that many of you, a majority, is not asexual per se, there is no such a thing, we were genetically made to procriate and mate, if our psyches says NO, please does not blame nature, but society...

I do accept asexual people, I do not accept this concept that it is natural, nature way (of what????) some people are just diferent ....Many of you are not happy, many like the 23yrs old girl can be convinced that she was born like that (lol) when something could be wrong with her in another level...

Asexuality is not normal or natural. (PERIOD)

artcatuk said:

You are just afraid of anyone who is different to you. Many of us have had our hormones checked, and the results have come back 'normal'. Yet we still desire to NOT have sex. It is just the way we are. Try opening your mind to the possabi! lity that other people are DIFFERENT to you, and to eachother. I am perfectly happy being asexual. IF it is caused by some imbalance in MY hormone levels, I do not wish to have them 'corrected'. The thought of myself engaging in such an act sickens me. But I do not in any way look down on my sexual friends. They are all very prescious to me. They understand and accept me for who I am, and never try to change me.

Well...that's my 'two cents'. I hope you and your partner can come to some understanding.

*Edit - Had recent blood-test results back. All normal.*

Verylost Baby said:

People sometimes cannot face their own demons...Also hormonal deficiencies can cause lost of libido, as well as hypertension, and many other ailments. All sickness.

Kate Haws said:

Asexuality is not sickness. I don`t like that idea. You should maybe change partner if the relationship is not enough for you. In fact I think myself that it is nature`s way to decrease human amount

Verylost Baby said:

Hi Anell:

I think we are in a reversal paralell, I have this assexual partner for 16 yrs , that seems to be happy being like that and making my life miserable for so many years... I'm brazilian and really confused about how to escape of this cage that I found myself in, since I do love him in so many ways... we do not have sex for the last 6 years, and I hate this assexual concept , just think that people who doesn't know themselves , escape to this "theory". We all have libido, if it does not manifest it is a disfunction of some kind... I was very sexual active before we met, now I think I'm also sick, not just him.

anell_olivia said:

Well, I am 23 yrs old, and I think that I am asexual. I feel no sexual desire toward no one. Neither do I feel attraction toward any sex (male/female). I have no desire of getting married in the future. I just dream of finding a guy best friend, who have my same condition and share as couples, but without sex, or those romanticism that could have....I am very confuse still, about this, but my desire doesn't have anything to do with sex, but to have a partner to share with...I am Spanish, Dominican, living in NJ haft of my life in this country actually, and I would accept any suggestion about asexuality because I am still about it...think u all...!

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Yahoo! Mail Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


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3,630 / 4,883
twolfe36 Tiffany Wolfe
Tiffany Wolfe

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

Parent Comment


It has the name (verylost baby). Lost is correct, because you are so unfulfilled in life that you feel the need to come here to stir up arguments and insult people.

Ignore this butt hook.


Verylost Baby
[email protected]
Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:59 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

I do love someone that is different than me, that is sick and does not know it.

This whole asexual thing is ok, can be, for you people who are happy being who you are, without having fluids exchanges of any sort with another human being, without making others suffers because of your choice and so on...

Live and let the others live...

I'm here not to make a point, I'm here because, this perverted idea is my reality, every day, I wait for a change in our relationship, and no way out... Everything else is fine, we manage our lives in such a way that I could not ask for anybody else but him, but why has to be without sex???

I do just think that many of you, a majority, is not asexual per se, there is no such a thing, we were genetically made to procriate and mate, if our psyches says NO, please does not blame nature, but society...

I do accept asexual people, I do not accept this concept that it is natural, nature way (of what????) some people are just diferent ....Many of you are not happy, many like the 23yrs old girl can be convinced that she was born like that (lol) when something could be wrong with her in another level...

Asexuality is not normal or natural. (PERIOD)

artcatuk said:

You are just afraid of anyone who is different to you. Many of us have had our hormones checked, and the results have come back 'normal'. Yet we still desire to NOT have sex. It is just the way we are. Try opening your mind to the possabi! lity that other people are DIFFERENT to you, and to eachother. I am perfectly happy being asexual. IF it is caused by some imbalance in MY hormone levels, I do not wish to have them 'corrected'. The thought of myself engaging in such an act sickens me. But I do not in any way look down on my sexual friends. They are all very prescious to me. They understand and accept me for who I am, and never try to change me.

Well...that's my 'two cents'. I hope you and your partner can come to some understanding.

*Edit - Had recent blood-test results back. All normal.*

Verylost Baby said:

People sometimes cannot face their own demons...Also hormonal deficiencies can cause lost of libido, as well as hypertension, and many other ailments. All sickness.

Kate Haws said:

Asexuality is not sickness. I don`t like that idea. You should maybe change partner if the relationship is not enough for you. In fact I think myself that it is nature`s way to decrease human amount

Verylost Baby said:

Hi Anell:

I think we are in a reversal paralell, I have this assexual partner for 16 yrs , that seems to be happy being like that and making my life miserable for so many years... I'm brazilian and really confused about how to escape of this cage that I found myself in, since I do love him in so many ways... we do not have sex for the last 6 years, and I hate this assexual concept , just think that people who doesn't know themselves , escape to this "theory". We all have libido, if it does not manifest it is a disfunction of some kind... I was very sexual active before we met, now I think I'm also sick, not just him.

anell_olivia said:

Well, I am 23 yrs old, and I think that I am asexual. I feel no sexual desire toward no one. Neither do I feel attraction toward any sex (male/female). I have no desire of getting married in the future. I just dream of finding a guy best friend, who have my same condition and share as couples, but without sex, or those romanticism that could have....I am very confuse still, about this, but my desire doesn't have anything to do with sex, but to have a partner to share with...I am Spanish, Dominican, living in NJ haft of my life in this country actually, and I would accept any suggestion about asexuality because I am still about it...think u all...!

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Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

Yahoo! Mail Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


a.. Visit your group "havenforthehumanamoeba" on the web.

b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP ON THIS FREAK!! Verylost baby needs to be found and move on out of this group & take your drama elsewhere. (Boring....makes me sleepy). Good luck finding a support group for your kind. GOODBYE...

J Noble said:


It has the name (verylost baby). Lost is correct, because you are so unfulfilled in life that you feel the need to come here to stir up arguments and insult people.

Ignore this butt hook.


Verylost Baby
[email protected]
Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:59 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Confusion about asexuality

I do love someone that is different than me, that is sick and does not know it.

This whole asexual thing is ok, can be, for you people who are happy being who you are, without having fluids exchanges of any sort with another human being, without making others suffers because of your choice and so on...

Live and let the others live...

I'm here not to make a point, I'm here because, this perverted idea is my reality, every day, I wait for a change in our relationship, and no way out... Everything else is fine, we manage our lives in such a way that I could not ask for anybody else but him, but why has to be without sex???

I do just think that many of you, a majority, is not asexual per se, there is no such a thing, we were genetically made to procriate and mate, if our psyches says NO, please does not blame nature, but society...

I do accept asexual people, I do not accept this concept that it is natural, nature way (of what????) some people are just diferent ....Many of you are not happy, many like the 23yrs old girl can be convinced that she was born like that (lol) when something could be wrong with her in another level...

Asexuality is not normal or natural. (PERIOD)

artcatuk said:

You are just afraid of anyone who is different to you. Many of us have had our hormones checked, and the results have come back 'normal'. Yet we still desire to NOT have sex. It is just the way we are. Try opening your mind to the possabi! lity that other people are DIFFERENT to you, and to eachother. I am perfectly happy being asexual. IF it is caused by some imbalance in MY hormone levels, I do not wish to have them 'corrected'. The thought of myself engaging in such an act sickens me. But I do not in any way look down on my sexual friends. They are all very prescious to me. They understand and accept me for who I am, and never try to change me.

Well...that's my 'two cents'. I hope you and your partner can come to some understanding.

*Edit - Had recent blood-test results back. All normal.*

Verylost Baby said:

People sometimes cannot face their own demons...Also hormonal deficiencies can cause lost of libido, as well as hypertension, and many other ailments. All sickness.

Kate Haws said:

Asexuality is not sickness. I don`t like that idea. You should maybe change partner if the relationship is not enough for you. In fact I think myself that it is nature`s way to decrease human amount

Verylost Baby said:

Hi Anell:

I think we are in a reversal paralell, I have this assexual partner for 16 yrs , that seems to be happy being like that and making my life miserable for so many years... I'm brazilian and really confused about how to escape of this cage that I found myself in, since I do love him in so many ways... we do not have sex for the last 6 years, and I hate this assexual concept , just think that people who doesn't know themselves , escape to this "theory". We all have libido, if it does not manifest it is a disfunction of some kind... I was very sexual active before we met, now I think I'm also sick, not just him.

anell_olivia said:

Well, I am 23 yrs old, and I think that I am asexual. I feel no sexual desire toward no one. Neither do I feel attraction toward any sex (male/female). I have no desire of getting married in the future. I just dream of finding a guy best friend, who have my same condition and share as couples, but without sex, or those romanticism that could have....I am very confuse still, about this, but my desire doesn't have anything to do with sex, but to have a partner to share with...I am Spanish, Dominican, living in NJ haft of my life in this country actually, and I would accept any suggestion about asexuality because I am still about it...think u all...!

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3,631 / 4,883
elfiness Palatinus

I am new to this group.

Parent Comment

I would like to say that I do not believe in the following definition of a nonlidoist( same as asexual): "A sexual person is someone who does not experience sexual attraction." I think it's more than that. No sexual fantasies, no sexual drive, no sexual attraction, not into romantic relationships, no kissing, no masturbation ("Masturbater aka Solo Sexual"), none of that. This isn't some kind of religion open only to 'pure' asexuals; the 'no sexual attraction' definition is just a more useful one than yours.

Take me; I'm a 47 year old male virgin, and I've never felt any desire to have sex with anyone. I've felt like an alien among humans, and it was a revelation to me to read about asexuality and know that there are other people who are similar to me in that way. I like having people who can understand and share my experiences, and perhaps this is a way to meet someone I could spend time with who would also want the kind of totally platonic involvement I would.

But I do in fact sexually fantasize and masturbate. I don't want anything I'd fantasize to ever be real, the whole thing is purely solitary for me; in terms of how I relate to people, how it's affected my life, my orientation is asexual. And I certainly wouldn't want the people who I've finally found who share that with me, to throw me out just because I don't fit someone's concept of 'true' asexuality.

Take me; I'm a 47 year old male virgin, and I've never felt

That's great. When I will reach your age I will be virgin also

Although I haven't masturbated

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


3,632 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J Noble
J Noble

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] I am new to this group.

I'm 49 female and I do not masterbate. I did when I was younger but even that was very minimal and so often a big failure.

This may sound crude. I addore affection not affucktion. I'd love to have a group of frends like myself too.

Jen Northern California

"Palatinus" <elfiness@...>
<[email protected]>
Thursday, March 16, 2006 2:57 AM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] I am new to this group.

Take me; I'm a 47 year old male virgin, and I've never felt

That's great. When I will reach your age I will be virgin also

Although I haven't masturbated

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


Yahoo! Groups Links

3,633 / 4,883

New member

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

3,634 / 4,883

Re: New member

Parent Comment

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

forkrest said:

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

3,635 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] New member

In a message dated 3/23/2006 3:37:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, forkrest@... writes:

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.

3,636 / 4,883

Asexual movies

Hey does anyone know any good movies for asexuals or about asexuals. I want to check them out. Thanks.

3,637 / 4,883
sleepytimemommy Melanie Conn
Melanie Conn

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] New member

Parent Comment

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hello! Can someone PLEASE remove my name from this list? I have not been on this site in over a year and I'm still getting all this stuff. Can someone help me out? Thank's alot. Love the site, but my husband is a total ass and gives me crap about it.

forkrest said:

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


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3,638 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] New member

Parent Comment

In a message dated 3/23/2006 3:37:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, forkrest@... writes:

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.

He's a pervert. What you describe here is sexual harrassment and you could turn to the police for that. Next time a similar things happens you can get raped, so be careful and be alert. Don't encourage pervs by hugging, when a person defies the rules you originally set, you should be alert and not feel bad about just getting up and leaving (and when people annoy me like that I simply get up and leave, sometimes in mid-sentence! They're not worth my nerves getting wrecked) or at least inform them confidentally that they should stop right now. A person that thinks "no" means "yes" once might think so again and might act on it.

Just get away from anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable. As an asex you're in a position where many people don't even understand what makes you uncomfortable and you need to stay alert and see whether the other person CAN understand you, and whether they DO understand.

btw, I always wondered how people in the US get to meet friends with similar interests. Living in Israel, I have 6 million people to choose from, I meet them on the 'net and I know that they're a 3 hours drive away from me tops. In the US, when you find someone nice they could be all the way across the country..

On , OuttaSightOocyte@... said:

In a message dated 3/23/2006 3:37:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, forkrest@... writes: I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.


In a message dated 3/23/2006 3:37:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, forkrest@... writes: I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.



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To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

3,639 / 4,883
iamnotfiona Karin

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

3,640 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] 20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

Parent Comment

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

Wow, thanks! I set my TiVo to record it tonight. :-)


Karin <iamnotfiona@...>
[email protected]
Sat, 25 Mar 2006 02:31:13 -0000
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] 20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

3,641 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] New member

Parent Comment

In a message dated 3/23/2006 3:37:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, forkrest@... writes:

I don't know if I'd consider myself "asexual", as I do have sexual feelings. But I've decided to become celibate since all of my relationships end because of sex. Or lack of sex on my part. I have a low sex drive, and boyfriends don't stick around. I've had some wonderful relationships with men, and the sexual aspect always destroys my relationships. I don't give it up enough, and when I do I feel like I have to perform even when I don't feel like it, so I get very resentful.

I'd like to find a man who is my "best friend", who can give me a hug without feeling me up, whom I can cuddle with and not worry about him jumping me, whom I can walk in front of up a flight of stairs and not have him grab my butt, whom I can go shopping with and not have him drag me to the lingerie department, and most of all, whom is truly a "friend" and not just saying he's a friend in order to get into my pants.

Does anyone like this exist in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area?

Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.

Sounds like the "activity" he wanted to participate in, as your activity partner, was sex! That just burns me up. I'm not an angry person, but when it comes to this crap, this just pushes my buttons. Even if I tell a guy "just friends", "strictly platonic", "no sex", "no chance", whatever... maybe they see it as a challenge or something. Still others will be sneaky about it, acting like your buddy, your pal, someone who's there for you through thick and thin. But they start making off-handed comments about the way you look, and they hold you a little too long when you hug, or brush up against you too often for it to be accidental. It's so demeaning because I feel like a sex object and I'm not even having sex with the guy!

I've done the search for female friends too. I actually ran a single ladies group in South Jersey/Philly a few years ago, but none of us became friends. We were all activities partners, and the activity was going to the bars and picking up men! Heck, if I wanted to do that I'd have better luck going alone. But not only am I not interested in picking up men, I'm certainly not going to do it at a bar! Besides, there is more to life than constantly trying to hook up with someone of the opposite sex!


Hey girl, I know what you mean. It's so hard to find male friends. About a month ago, I had posted an ad on Craig's List for female activity partners. I just moved to Central NJ and I don't know anybody, so in my ad, I specified that I simply wanted a local female friend to go shopping with, go hiking with, and occasionally meet for drinks. Well, only men decided to respond. All of them seemed like weirdos except for one, so I decided to meet with him last night. Before we met, I told him ... THIS IS NOT A DATE! We're going to hang out and have a good time. I explained to him very clearly that I was looking for friendship only. I tried to make him understand that since I didn't have any luck finding a female activity partner, I had to take my chances on a male. Well, our meeting lasted two hours. I won't deny that he was attractive, but looks mean nothing when simply looking for an activity partner. He turned out to be an octopus. He couldn't keep his hands to himself. I'm sorry ... if I just meet a guy, I'm not inclined to do much more than I friendly hug and peck on the cheek. He wanted to hold hands. He tried to slip me the tongue. I had to push him away when he gave me a hug and proceeded to kiss my neck. He gave me all those bullshit lines that sexually-inclined men like to dish out. I'm mesmerizing, beautiful, etc. He even went so far as to say that he invented the Kama Sutra. He was frustrated that I didn't take kindly to his advances. I finally decided that I had enough and wanted to go home because he clearly had a problem understanding what ACTIVITY PARTNER meant. I tried not to let the evening end on a bad note, so I hugged him goodbye, but in the process, his hand ended up grabbing my left breast. I scratched the shit out of his arm. I can only hope I drew blood, but it was too dark to see. I went home FUMING. What happened to friendship? What happened to respect? What happened to boundaries? I didn't tease the guy, I didn't lead him on, and he KNEW before he met me what I was looking for. And then the bastard tries to milk me like a cow. WTF?

Sorry, I just had to vent.


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3,643 / 4,883
jisincla Jim Sinclair
Jim Sinclair

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] 20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

Parent Comment

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

On , Karin said:

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

Which Friday night? Last night, or next week?


3,644 / 4,883
bopopessa Mary Reese
Mary Reese


I just joined this group and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mary and I am a 60 year old lady who thought for the last 50 years I was the only person in the world who didn't want sex. I thought I was the world's oldest living virgin. Wow! I just happened on this list and thought there might be people like me. I love men but have no inclination to bed them. In fact there is nothing that I would rather not do. Often I wish I could have found a guy who felt the same way as I do love cuddles and sometimes get lonesome. Guess at my age though that's common. Anyone hi everyone. Are there others out there like me, really? Mary

3,645 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] 20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

Parent Comment
On , Karin said:

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

Which Friday night? Last night, or next week?


3,646 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J Noble
J Noble

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Online Relationships Can Be Great

Hi Liz, I have some mild connections from this list. The strong connection I have with another Asexual is not on this list. She is a friend I met around 4 years ago in a chat room. I have another friend in real life that I work with who is an Asexual too. We also have a very close friendship although we do not have the same interests.


"Elizabeth Sweet" <stefburn@...>
<[email protected]>
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:43 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Online Relationships Can Be Great

Hi Jen,

Thanks for responding. I see you are quite active on the list here. Have you met anyone through this list? How have things been for you? Have you been able to develop relationships online, on this list? I am hoping to meet someone myself. It would be nice to have some camaraderie with an asexual person who shares interests, chemistry, etc. It's amazing how sometimes you can meet someone and not have very many interests but you can still flow and have great chemistry with one another. I've been finding that online. Online stuff has taught me a lot. It has given me some important tools for communication. <smile> Now if I would just use them more often.

Well, I hope to hear back from you and others who want to keep the thread going.


J Noble said:

Hi Elizabeth, I like the cerebral contact too. I must say I like the emotional, spiritual and physical affection too. Affection is simply that, nothing even close to sexuality. I think both online and offline relationships can be wonderfully satisfying.


3,647 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] 20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS

Parent Comment
On , Karin said:

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

Which Friday night? Last night, or next week?


Jim Sinclair said:
On , Karin said:

20/20 Friday Night, storyline ASEXUALS, sounds interesting.

Which Friday night? Last night, or next week?


3,648 / 4,883
kell_tainer_marb Kristen

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Introduction

Parent Comment

I just joined this group and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mary and I am a 60 year old lady who thought for the last 50 years I was the only person in the world who didn't want sex. I thought I was the world's oldest living virgin. Wow! I just happened on this list and thought there might be people like me. I love men but have no inclination to bed them. In fact there is nothing that I would rather not do. Often I wish I could have found a guy who felt the same way as I do love cuddles and sometimes get lonesome. Guess at my age though that's common. Anyone hi everyone. Are there others out there like me, really? Mary

Hi Mary, I completely feel what you're saying. I am 20, in college, surrounded by folks who can't think of anything but sex, and I have no desire to be anything but a virgin. I, too, find it reassuring to know I am not the only one out there like this. Welcome to the group.


Mary Reese said:

I just joined this group and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mary and I am a 60 year old lady who thought for the last 50 years I was the only person in the world who didn't want sex. I thought I was the world's oldest living virgin. Wow! I just happened on this list and thought there might be people like me. I love men but have no inclination to bed them. In fact there is nothing that I would rather not do. Often I wish I could have found a guy who felt the same way as I do love cuddles and sometimes get lonesome. Guess at my age though that's common. Anyone hi everyone. Are there others out there like me, really? Mary


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3,649 / 4,883

New here

when was this group created?

3,650 / 4,883
goddessatplay Contemplative One
Contemplative One

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] New here

Parent Comment

when was this group created?

Welcome to the group. The group was founded Oct. 11, 2000

e.c. said:

when was this group created?

SPONSORED LINKS Abstinence Romance relationship


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