Haven for the Human Amoeba

4,051 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Questionairre-sounds like fun. Here are my answers. Quenstion Jen

Hi Eileen, ROFL litterally means Rolling On The Floor Laughing. It just means it struck me in a humorous way.


Eileen Haynes
[email protected]
Tuesday, July 04, 2006 1:32 AM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Re: Questionairre-sounds like fun. Here are my answers. Quenstion Jen

Hi Jen

Would you mind explaining your comment ROFL......what does it mean???


J said:

Yep Mary, I'm making changes in my place right now so I can go to there classes and be ready for a home study.


Mary Reese
[email protected]
Monday, June 19, 2006 8:59 AM
RE: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Questionairre-sounds like fun. Here are my answers.

Jen if you want children you'd better get going. Some states have an age requirement on adoption.

[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]
6/18/2006 11:20:52 PM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Questionairre-sounds like fun. Here are my answers.

Please cut and paste the questions, erase my answers, and add your own.

1. Name: Jen

2. Gender: Female

3. Age: 50

4. Location: Northern California

5. Have you ever had sex? This is an invasive question that I would not ask anyone.

6. What gender, if any, are you attracted to? Doesn't matter. I need to feel comfortable and safe.

7. Are you open about your non-sexuality? Actually at my age I now fall into the "old maid" category. Also at my age there are many widows out there so there is little interest in my peer group. Hey the older you get the easier it is. Also, sometimes if the topic arises.

8. Are you married? No & never have been. For most people this requires bumping uglies and I refuse.

9. Do you have or want children? I want children or at least one child. I would prefer a male child. I am considering doing fost-adopt or at least applying for it.

10. Do you like ANY human contact? You bet! I don't want to be touched by just anyone though. I do love affection or shared human contact that has NO sexual content. I even enjoy romance but not sexual energy.

11. Are you bothered by your asexuality? No not personally but it does bother me that it has caused me to be alone most of the time.

12. Do you date? ROFL, no. I wouldn't date anyone unless I was sure I was dating a non-sexual.

13. Have you ruled out possible medical/psychological reasons for your disinterest in sex? It could be ruled in or out and it doesn't really matter to me. I'm simply not having a bump ugly session in my life. Yuck! I'd much rather do something pleasurable and fun.

4,052 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:25 AM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

There are a lot of unfair prejudices out there. The assumption that sex = love is only one of them. As a single guy, I have to put up with a ton of prejudices against single men. According to society, the only reason for a man to stay single is because he likes to molest little children and is a pedophile sex offender.

I've never done anything like that, but because I'm a single man, people look at me and treat me like I have. As long as they don't find out I'm single, they are ok with me, but as soon as the subject comes up, they pull their kids away from me.

The wife of a long time friend of mine called me up and demanded to know what I did with her daughter after she was overdue. Of course, I had nothing to do with her missing daughter and she eventually turned up safe and sound. That only goes to show you the level of this kind of prejudice.

My friend told me that I should start wearing a wedding band so I would get better respect. I don't, but I am still considering it.

I was wondering if any other guys out there have experienced this kind of prejudice?


On , Debbie Search said:


Take it from another Deborah, some guys never "get it" I dated one knuckle dragger who insisted that if sex wasn't involved, we weren't in a relationship. It's sad when people equate physical acts with emotions. I wish you luck.


Yahoo! Groups Links

4,053 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Parent Comment

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:25 AM
[Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

There are a lot of unfair prejudices out there. The assumption that sex = love is only one of them. As a single guy, I have to put up with a ton of prejudices against single men. According to society, the only reason for a man to stay single is because he likes to molest little children and is a pedophile sex offender.

I've never done anything like that, but because I'm a single man, people look at me and treat me like I have. As long as they don't find out I'm single, they are ok with me, but as soon as the subject comes up, they pull their kids away from me.

The wife of a long time friend of mine called me up and demanded to know what I did with her daughter after she was overdue. Of course, I had nothing to do with her missing daughter and she eventually turned up safe and sound. That only goes to show you the level of this kind of prejudice.

My friend told me that I should start wearing a wedding band so I would get better respect. I don't, but I am still considering it.

I was wondering if any other guys out there have experienced this kind of prejudice?


On , Debbie Search said:


Take it from another Deborah, some guys never "get it" I dated one knuckle dragger who insisted that if sex wasn't involved, we weren't in a relationship. It's sad when people equate physical acts with emotions. I wish you luck.


Yahoo! Groups Links

What really hurts is that I have relatives with kids and they won't let me babysit. They would rather pay someone else or let a stranger who has kids babysit them.


On , J said:

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


4,054 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Decreasing the sex drive of your partner

Parent Comment

Hello, I wanted to mention that although some people lose there sexual drive due to SSRI anti-depressants, there are many who regain their sexual drive from the exact same medications. So it just depends upon the person's response to the medications.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Monday, July 03, 2006 5:12 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Marriage going sour

When you say "new found asexuality" that sounds like it is not your sexual orientation, but rather a medical condition. I suggest you see a specialist in the matter. Also, I know that taking SSRI drugs like Paxil will destroy the sex drive.

People who are of the asexual sexual orientation are born that way. While they may marry and have sex because of social pressures, they don't become asexual after being heterosexual most of their lives.


On , dwoods012174 said:

Hi. I have been with my husband for 12 years and we have a 7 year old child. Since our meeting I have had a hysterectomy due to cancer, thyroid cancer removed and major back fusion surgery. Needless to say, it has not been a bed of roses for either of us. I used to blame my new found asexuality on menopause but the doctors say with my meds (estrogen) that should not be the cause. I just do not want sex. And of course, he does. It causes so much stress. I feel like a failure. He feels unattractive and that I do not love or care for him anymore. No, I do not feel the heart palpatations kind of love I used to feel but does anyone after 12 years. If you do, more power to you. The bottom line, a divorce would kill our 7 year old who has moved as many times as years and is autistic. So I do not know what to do. I can not keep putting myself thru something physically that I do not want as it is wearing on my already low self-esteem. He does not understand and maybe most men would not but I am here and its happened so what do I do now. Any suggestions for D? I am open.

For those of you that crave romance, but not sex, but are willing to do it every now and then for the sake of the relationship, try drugging your bf.

I just opened my nursing textbook and there was a list of drugs that are known to decrease sexual desire. SSRI's are just one. Narcotics apparently switch it off entirely.

Just a thought.


On , J said:

Hello, I wanted to mention that although some people lose there sexual drive due to SSRI anti-depressants, there are many who regain their sexual drive from the exact same medications. So it just depends upon the person's response to the medications.


4,055 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Hi Dennis, I know what you are experiencing is very painful and there is no way to prove your innocense. People become so blinded and begin branding people for ignorant reasons.

My brother asks one of my youngest sister's to babysit, yet he never asks me. I think it's because she has dated so much in the past and acted so interested in men. Since I don't have this history, they are likely very suspicious of me. I know my mother, sister, neighbor and friends of theirs babysit these kids.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Thursday, July 13, 2006 4:30 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

What really hurts is that I have relatives with kids and they won't let me babysit. They would rather pay someone else or let a stranger who has kids babysit them.


On , J said:

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


Yahoo! Groups Links

4,056 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Parent Comment

Hi Dennis, I know what you are experiencing is very painful and there is no way to prove your innocense. People become so blinded and begin branding people for ignorant reasons.

My brother asks one of my youngest sister's to babysit, yet he never asks me. I think it's because she has dated so much in the past and acted so interested in men. Since I don't have this history, they are likely very suspicious of me. I know my mother, sister, neighbor and friends of theirs babysit these kids.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Thursday, July 13, 2006 4:30 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

What really hurts is that I have relatives with kids and they won't let me babysit. They would rather pay someone else or let a stranger who has kids babysit them.


On , J said:

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


Yahoo! Groups Links

In my case, I've decided not to have a will. That way, they'll all have to fight over it after I'm gone - maybe even with the state. I currently don't have any kids and it dosn't look like that's going to change. So they will end up with everything that the state doesn't get.


On , J said:

Hi Dennis, I know what you are experiencing is very painful and there is no way to prove your innocense. People become so blinded and begin branding people for ignorant reasons.

My brother asks one of my youngest sister's to babysit, yet he never asks me. I think it's because she has dated so much in the past and acted so interested in men. Since I don't have this history, they are likely very suspicious of me. I know my mother, sister, neighbor and friends of theirs babysit these kids.


4,057 / 4,883
shax_ko Lost Boy
Lost Boy

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

<<I think that all sexual men equate love with sex......that is why my marriage of 20 years has ended. i find it very very sad, but true. >>

Not all of them. My partner of three years is a sexual man; we had sex once, about a year into the relationship. I was hoping that it would finally become clear to me what I had been missing and what everyone else was obsessing about. It didn't. He now knows that I am uninterested in sex, and he is fine with it (well, I don't know how FINE he is, but he doesn't bring it up or press the issue). If he needs a sexual release, he can masturbate or watch porn, but he doesn't need or ask me to participate, except being there with him sometimes.

4,058 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

Parent Comment

Well, this is controversial, but what if you let him have a mistress?


4,059 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Please unsubscribe her

Parent Comment

I was going to say something too, but didn't bother. You have to wonder = how these people managed to subscribe themselves in the first place.

I se= e this every now and then on my lists. Unless they give me a good technic= al reason why they can't unsubscribe themselves, I just change their permi= ssions so that they can't post any more. I had one guy threaten to sue me= , but since it isn't my job to unsubscribe people and I'm not required to = do it, he had no legal grounds to do so. He screamed and hollered for abo= ut a year (none of which actually got to the list) and then finally changed=

his email address -- all because he was too stupid to read the unsubscrib= e directions at the bottom of each and every post.

There used to be a lis= t called clueless_user_list that list owners could transfer memberships of= clueless users to. Basically, all these clueless people would sit there = and post nothing but "unsubscribe me" to the list. Again, at the bottom o= f every post, there were clear instructions for getting off. Yet, they wo= uld continue for months to pester each other with "Unsubscribe me or I'll = sue you" messages. Nobody was reading it except other clueless users. Mo= st would eventually figure it out, but some never did.


On 4 Jul = 2006 at 4:28, Kassil the Erratic wrote:

...There is a link at the bot= tom of /every single message/ allowing you to unsubscribe. When you subs= cribe to a list, you get an email telling you how to unsubscribe should you= choose to do so. Please use these if you wish to unsubscribe.

I'll= give you credit, though. Unlike roughly 95% of the people who post message= s like this to mailing lists, you spelled unsubscribe correctly.

-K= assil, frustrated computer geek/nerd

On 7/4/06, Eileen Haynes <flubber= tom3@...> wrote: Please unsubscribe me

thank you

T= alk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates s= tarting at 1=A2/min.

4,060 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Just open your legs

Parent Comment


On , DEBRA WOODS said:

Thank-you so much. Can you believe one lady said "open your legs ad put your mind on autipilot"

Actually, a lot of asexual people do exactly that. They get married because they are in love and believe that they can handle the sex situation by pretending to like it for the sake of their spouses. The problem is that it gets harder with each successive year. Eventually, something usually breaks when they can no longer tolerate it.

She went as far as to say she would not mind if she was raped b/c her mind is stronger than that." What planet is she from? I feel bad for her.

I didn't get that one either. Rape is not about sex, its about violation. It would make no difference to a woman if she was raped by a man with a penis or a lesbian with a dildo. For that matter, men get raped by women too. Its just that guys don't complain about it as much.

A good while back there was this nice looking high school boy that thought he was God's gift to women and made no secret of telling all the girls that. Of course, girls do get tired of hearing that stuff. Anyway, he and about 5 girls went to the beach together. When they were alone, the girls knocked him down, stripped him and raped him. Basically, he wanted sex, but he didn't want to be violated like that. No one ever called the law, but I am told he was never the same after that.


4,061 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Please unsubscribe me

Parent Comment
On , Dennis Hawkins said:

My email client is set for text. The instructions are still very clear. What is rude is when people send those unsub messages to the list and not to the moderator directly. Of course, that would mean that they would have to read the instructions and if they did that, they wouldn't need help.


I wouldn't know who the moderator is. Why would they?

Anyway, assuming everyone knows what you or I know is wrong.

Stop thinking everyone has the same knowledge you do and you'll be miles ahead.

Therese Shellabarger - Civis Mundi - tlshell@...

4,062 / 4,883
elfiness Palatinus


Parent Comment

then again, i'm a-romantic, i have never encountered a situation where that question was relevant, personally.

what is a-romantic?

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


4,063 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

Parent Comment

then again, i'm a-romantic, i have never encountered a situation where that question was relevant, personally.

what is a-romantic?

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


On , Palatinus said:

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.


4,064 / 4,883
elfiness Palatinus


Parent Comment
On , Palatinus said:

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.


--- Dennis Hawkins <n4mwd@...> :

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.

So I take it it means asexual-romantic, and not aromantic, which in this case would mean 'no desire for romantic realtionships'

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


4,065 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

Parent Comment

--- Dennis Hawkins <n4mwd@...> :

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.

So I take it it means asexual-romantic, and not aromantic, which in this case would mean 'no desire for romantic realtionships'

Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail


I may have misread your question. I thought you meant "what is a roman= tic?". Whoever originally used the term should have simply said "asexual = romantic" or "non-romantic". The two are actually opposite.


On 1= 5 Jul 2006 at 14:31, Palatinus wrote:

--- Dennis Hawkins <n4mwd@amsat= .org> :

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexu= al that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no = desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and eve= n living with other people.

So I take it it means asexual-romantic, an= d not aromantic, which in this case would mean 'no desire for romantic = realtionships'


Yahoo!; (spam); Yahoo! Mail =


Yahoo! Gr= oups Links

4,066 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Hi Dennis, You can always choose something very important to you to give your estate too. I am considering the local wild life center and/or the local animal shelter. I am not allowing my siblings to have access to my belongings.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:07 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

In my case, I've decided not to have a will. That way, they'll all have to fight over it after I'm gone - maybe even with the state. I currently don't have any kids and it dosn't look like that's going to change. So they will end up with everything that the state doesn't get.


On , J said:

Hi Dennis, I know what you are experiencing is very painful and there is no way to prove your innocense. People become so blinded and begin branding people for ignorant reasons.

My brother asks one of my youngest sister's to babysit, yet he never asks me. I think it's because she has dated so much in the past and acted so interested in men. Since I don't have this history, they are likely very suspicious of me. I know my mother, sister, neighbor and friends of theirs babysit these kids.


4,067 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

I think sexual people believe sharing sexual interaction is one part of and expected expression of love. Those of us who are not sexual feel intruded upon and many other feelings.


Lost Boy
[email protected]
Thursday, July 13, 2006 7:12 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

<<I think that all sexual men equate love with sex......that is why my marriage of 20 years has ended. i find it very very sad, but true. >>

Not all of them. My partner of three years is a sexual man; we had sex once, about a year into the relationship. I was hoping that it would finally become clear to me what I had been missing and what everyone else was obsessing about. It didn't. He now knows that I am uninterested in sex, and he is fine with it (well, I don't know how FINE he is, but he doesn't bring it up or press the issue). If he needs a sexual release, he can masturbate or watch porn, but he doesn't need or ask me to participate, except being there with him sometimes.

4,068 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

Hi Iillina, I want a relationship based on trust, comfort level with that person, mutual interests, simular lifestyles ahd beliefs and so on.


iillina z
[email protected]
Friday, July 14, 2006 7:09 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

why not? relationship should be based on trust. there are sexual couples doing that, why shouldn't we? then again, i'm a-romantic, i have never encountered a situation where that question was relevant, personally.

4,069 / 4,883
jmnoble4 J

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

I must be a limited romantic. I can't tolorated the idea of kissing uless it was a quick peck and I wanted too. Closeness emotionally and some physically without any hint of sexualality might be nice. Slow or formal dancing would be nice but by no means needed.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Saturday, July 15, 2006 4:18 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea
On , Palatinus said:

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.


4,070 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

Parent Comment

I must be a limited romantic. I can't tolorated the idea of kissing uless it was a quick peck and I wanted too. Closeness emotionally and some physically without any hint of sexualality might be nice. Slow or formal dancing would be nice but by no means needed.


"Dennis Hawkins" <n4mwd@...>
<[email protected]>
Saturday, July 15, 2006 4:18 AM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea
On , Palatinus said:

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.


I'm re-evaluating my self and I'm thinking that if I were to kiss the right person, I might like it. When I was younger and a lot better looking, girls that I didn't particularly like would steal kisses from me and I hated it. I suppose that is where my kiss hating originated from.


On , J said:

I must be a limited romantic. I can't tolorated the idea of kissing uless it was a quick peck and I wanted too. Closeness emotionally and some physically without any hint of sexualality might be nice. Slow or formal dancing would be nice but by no means needed.


4,071 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Parent Comment

<<I think that all sexual men equate love with sex......that is why my marriage of 20 years has ended. i find it very very sad, but true. >>

Not all of them. My partner of three years is a sexual man; we had sex once, about a year into the relationship. I was hoping that it would finally become clear to me what I had been missing and what everyone else was obsessing about. It didn't. He now knows that I am uninterested in sex, and he is fine with it (well, I don't know how FINE he is, but he doesn't bring it up or press the issue). If he needs a sexual release, he can masturbate or watch porn, but he doesn't need or ask me to participate, except being there with him sometimes.

you are lucky that he doesnt press you, i was pressed for 20 years constantly.....it took its toll on me physically and mentally....good luck

[email protected]
Thu, 13 Jul 2006 9:12 PM
Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

<<I think that all sexual men equate love with sex......that is why my marriage of 20 years has ended. i find it very very sad, but true. >>

Not all of them. My partner of three years is a sexual man; we had sex once, about a year into the relationship. I was hoping that it would finally become clear to me what I had been missing and what everyone else was obsessing about. It didn't. He now knows that I am uninterested in sex, and he is fine with it (well, I don't know how FINE he is, but he doesn't bring it up or press the issue). If he needs a sexual release, he can masturbate or watch porn, but he doesn't need or ask me to participate, except being there with him sometimes.

4,072 / 4,883
jisincla Jim Sinclair
Jim Sinclair

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Decreasing the sex drive of your partner

Parent Comment

For those of you that crave romance, but not sex, but are willing to do it every now and then for the sake of the relationship, try drugging your bf.

I just opened my nursing textbook and there was a list of drugs that are known to decrease sexual desire. SSRI's are just one. Narcotics apparently switch it off entirely.

Just a thought.


On , J said:

Hello, I wanted to mention that although some people lose there sexual drive due to SSRI anti-depressants, there are many who regain their sexual drive from the exact same medications. So it just depends upon the person's response to the medications.


On , Dennis Hawkins said:

For those of you that crave romance, but not sex, but are willing to do it every now and then for the sake of the relationship, try drugging your bf.

This is a sick joke, isn't it? How would you like it if someone drugged *you* to try to change the way you relate to people??

Jim Sinclair jisincla@... www.jimsinclair.org

4,073 / 4,883
jisincla Jim Sinclair
Jim Sinclair

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Singles don't get no respect.

Parent Comment

What really hurts is that I have relatives with kids and they won't let me babysit. They would rather pay someone else or let a stranger who has kids babysit them.


On , J said:

Dennis, I experienced suspicions of being a pedophile and a lesbian seeking to find a straight woman and change her. Well, neither is true. I've never married, never want sex and I don't understand the drive to desire bumping uglies either.

I'd like to adopt a child or 2 and I'd like a life companion without sex.

Anyway, as you can see this also effects women too.


On , Dennis Hawkins said:

What really hurts is that I have relatives with kids and they won't let me babysit. They would rather pay someone else or let a stranger who has kids babysit them.

Are you sure it's just because you're single? Not because you casually suggest drugging people to control their behavior?


Jim Sinclair jisincla@... www.jimsinclair.org

4,074 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] Decreasing the sex drive of your partner

Parent Comment
On , Dennis Hawkins said:

For those of you that crave romance, but not sex, but are willing to do it every now and then for the sake of the relationship, try drugging your bf.

This is a sick joke, isn't it? How would you like it if someone drugged *you* to try to change the way you relate to people??

Jim Sinclair jisincla@... www.jimsinclair.org


The intent was for consentual drugging and not slipping something in their tea. If it helps their relationship, then why not? How many women out there are taking paxil or drinking to try to cope with abusive husbands? If the realationship is to be salvaged, then compromises have to be made. Otherwise, end the relationship and get used to living alone.


On , Jim Sinclair said:
On , Dennis Hawkins said:

For those of you that crave romance, but not sex, but are willing to do it every now and then for the sake of the relationship, try drugging your bf.

This is a sick joke, isn't it? How would you like it if someone drugged *you* to try to change the way you relate to people??

Jim Sinclair jisincla@... www.jimsinclair.org

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Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] idea

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--- Dennis Hawkins <n4mwd@...> :

what is a-romantic?

In this context, its an asexual that still has romantic desires to be with comone else, but no desire to have sex. The generally like kissing and dating and even living with other people.

So I take it it means asexual-romantic, and not aromantic, which in this case would mean 'no desire for romantic realtionships'

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