Why not have capital punishement/ castration for those who rape, and promote porn. One man who was convicted of rape wanted castration because "he couldn't control himself." A woman who had a lot of children and did not take care of them is ordered by a judge not to have any more. This is also true of a man creating a lot of children and not supporting them. The law is cracking down on the polygemists in Utah for the same reason. Population is out of control. Where are the people back in the late 60's and 70's who waved the placards "Zero Population Growth"? China sterilizes women- it is easier to do it to men- to try to cope with the problem. Thoughts out there.....
Hi, The aversion to physical sexual contact may in many respects be biological, since the same reason given to gays/lesbians/bisexuals. Once discovered a family relative who never married, felt and deep relief and sense of common bond-even though never saw the person.
I have a few distant relatives who never married, none that I've ever met. It's funny, because that's usually the first thing anyone mentions about people who didn't marry. "And then there's old Susie, she never married, you know". That sort of thing.
I do think that my mother is asexual, oddly enough. She didn't marry until she was WAY above the average age for marrying, and I think she only married for the sake of marrying. She has never said anything about any attractive man/woman. I know she never really dated anyone until she was 30 or something. She expresses disgust when she hears women (or even men) talk about the attractive attributes another person may have. It seems that she finds physical attraction in poor taste.
So, she's either asexual or really repressed. Who knows?
Why not have capital punishement/ castration for those who rape, and promote porn. One man who was convicted of rape wanted castration because "he couldn't control himself." A woman who had a lot of children and did not take care of them is ordered by a judge not to have any more. This is also true of a man creating a lot of children and not supporting them. The law is cracking down on the polygemists in Utah for the same reason. Population is out of control. Where are the people back in the late 60's and 70's who waved the placards "Zero Population Growth"? China sterilizes women- it is easier to do it to men- to try to cope with the problem. Thoughts out there.....
Castration of serial rapists would solve a lot of problems. I don't see it necessary for every guy who commits a rape though, for this reason: I hate to say this, but in this day and age a lot of women take advantage of sexual harassment/rape charges and do really stupid things (like performing stripteases at parties and then doing lap dances and touching men while giggling, that sort of thing) and then yelling "Rape!" While women who do things like that shouldn't be raped, they also lack common sense and should be able to forsee what would happen.
In relation to all instances of rape,these incidents don't happen terribly often, but they do happen (especially with alcohol is a key factor, in which case things are completely screwed up, anyway.)
Basically what I'm saying is that a lot of rapes have more to do with a lack of common sense on both parts than with an overload of testosterone.
I actually know a woman who was ordered not to have any more children, at least I think that was the case. She had 6 children and she wasn't taking care of any of them. 5 of them were put into foster homes, and the woman kept the youngest for a while (last I heard, the youngest may have been on his way to a foster home, as well.) I don't think that forced sterilization is a bad idea with cases like this. It is easier with men, but what to do when all the kids of different fathers? China has the right idea... but I was talking to a friend recently about the situation in China. Because of their culture female infanticide has skyrocketed, and they have a high male population. Not only that, but they have a high male population full of people with "little emperor" (only-child)syndrome. Ha!
So, basically they have a whole generation of male spoiled brats. I'm being slightly facetious, but that is the case.
Yes porn objectivies women, that's the entire point of porn!! Porn was put on this earth so that men could satisfy their sexual urges without cheating on their wives or going on a sexual rampage. What is worse? A man who acts out his sexual urges and forces women to have sex (rape, or consetual), or a man who goes and buys porn and takes care of business that way. To me, masterbating, is just like taking a pee. Everyone takes a pee, so why shouldn't everyone release their semen? Some people choose to have sex, I choose masterbating. In my opinion, that makes me asexual. I agree with eiji, sex is a drug. But in my opinion, if you are responsible with it, then it shouldn't be a problem. The problem isn't in outlawing sex, its Eiji's whole outlook on life. A few people abuse marijuana, but should be outlawed. A few people abuse sex, should it be outlawed? I think not. Should alcohol, cigarettes, red meat, eggs, soda, video games, the internet, inline skates be outlawed? They're all abused by a tiny majority of the population. Eiji would say outlaw them all. I would say the opposite.
Just because something is "wrong" or "evil" or "dangerous" doesn't mean it should be outlawed. Most of the people here are consenting adults who know how to make a responsible choice for themselves. WE don't need some government telling us what's right, and what's wrong with the things we do in our privacy.
That's my main point.
Greetings Everyone!
I think this email raising a very interesting, and potentially controversial point - i hope that it not become TOO personal..but what are people thoughts on masturbation, and still claiming to be, or feeling asexual? i guess this is dependant upon the definition..which we have yet to clarify (and i think will forever remain ambigious..hehe).
I personally feel that asexual to me relates to the desire of partaking is sexual activity with another physical being....but i also understand the mentality of not engaging in any sexual activity, including oneself. This is one area, i am still unsure about..would love to hear all your thoughts!
Hi all - i asked people the other day about the reactions they recieved from people when they came to the realisation that you are asexual, and whether they thought it was a phase etc. I have another question i would like to pose! i have also noted that when i have told people, they assume that it is b/c i am sexually confused, perhaps in a state of bisexuality - and that being asexual is a transitory state, in an attempt to repress fear etc. it is interesting that people would interpret it this way i feel!
Thats all ;-)
Leaving in peace....Simone.
When talking to heteros about this topic, they can not imagine this state on the human life stream. They demean the Platonic person with the statement as previously described as "it's just a phase" . Sex should be discussed purely on the physical plane, since Platonic people can love, hug, be happy without the "act". Heteros also have the "lust factor" -a biological drive for physical fornication. This lust factor drives some people to bad relationships- no consideration to each other as human beings. Porn completely lowers humans to beastial level which encourages behaviors and thinking processes that are degrading and foul. Have dignity platonic friends and do not sink to depravity.
Wow- I missed this whole debate which I helped start... damn sporadic computer use.
OK- Porn objectifies women, sure, but it's literally an object. It's a video, or a magazine. this is why I have used porn. I have that "Lust Factor" starry spoke of, and I'd ratehr take it out on a magazine and my hand than on another human being simply to get rid of it.
Starry, in the same post you referred to a Platonic Person as though it were synonimous with Asexual. This is not the case, at least in my use of the term. I am a Sexual person. Heterosexual, to be precise. I consider myself Platonic because I do not enter into relationships for sexual reasons. That was important, so I'll say it again.
A Platonic Person is one who does not enter into relationships for sexual reasons.
A platonic person may be sexual, even oversexual, but just not Use other people for sexual purposes. That doesn't mean they don't have sex with others, just that sex is never the reason they form relationships with others. I'm currently quite in love with a wonderful woman, and if Sex dissapeared from our relationship tomorrow, nothing fundamental to the relationship would be lost.
this is also what I menat by looking at sex asexually. To Asexuals, Sex is not some Uberpowerful force that drives you. That is thow sexuals should view sex as well. Sure, we can engage in the act, and enjoy it, but we don't need to be driven by our lusts. That is why I have often admired Asexuality in that they are not driven by this lust that seems so idiotic to me. I can see eiji's point about sexual thoughts being distracting- I hate when I get horny in class. But that hornyness doesn't make me go "pick up" people I don't know or love and "Get Laid" like it does for so many of those around me.
eiji- You seem driven by this Idea that humans could be better thatn they are. Your stick for judging this seems to be evolution- people could be more fit to survive. If this is innacurate please correct me. I invite you to consider two things. First, Sexuality is a survival trait. Those who reproduce more are better adapted. sure, we could do it artificially, but dependance on outside sources for reproduction would not be a survival trait. Second, humans have already evolved to a point where survival is taken for granted (at least in developed countries). for millenia now our energies have been turned to the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and the latest fad, instead of survival. So when the real purpose of evolution- increasing surviability, has been acomplished, what is the point of evolving more?
Wow- I missed this whole debate which I helped start... damn sporadic computer use.
OK- Porn objectifies women, sure, but it's literally an object. It's a video, or a magazine. this is why I have used porn. I have that "Lust Factor" starry spoke of, and I'd ratehr take it out on a magazine and my hand than on another human being simply to get rid of it.
Starry, in the same post you referred to a Platonic Person as though it were synonimous with Asexual. This is not the case, at least in my use of the term. I am a Sexual person. Heterosexual, to be precise. I consider myself Platonic because I do not enter into relationships for sexual reasons. That was important, so I'll say it again.
A Platonic Person is one who does not enter into relationships for sexual reasons.
A platonic person may be sexual, even oversexual, but just not Use other people for sexual purposes. That doesn't mean they don't have sex with others, just that sex is never the reason they form relationships with others. I'm currently quite in love with a wonderful woman, and if Sex dissapeared from our relationship tomorrow, nothing fundamental to the relationship would be lost.
this is also what I menat by looking at sex asexually. To Asexuals, Sex is not some Uberpowerful force that drives you. That is thow sexuals should view sex as well. Sure, we can engage in the act, and enjoy it, but we don't need to be driven by our lusts. That is why I have often admired Asexuality in that they are not driven by this lust that seems so idiotic to me. I can see eiji's point about sexual thoughts being distracting- I hate when I get horny in class. But that hornyness doesn't make me go "pick up" people I don't know or love and "Get Laid" like it does for so many of those around me.
eiji- You seem driven by this Idea that humans could be better thatn they are. Your stick for judging this seems to be evolution- people could be more fit to survive. If this is innacurate please correct me. I invite you to consider two things. First, Sexuality is a survival trait. Those who reproduce more are better adapted. sure, we could do it artificially, but dependance on outside sources for reproduction would not be a survival trait. Second, humans have already evolved to a point where survival is taken for granted (at least in developed countries). for millenia now our energies have been turned to the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and the latest fad, instead of survival. So when the real purpose of evolution- increasing surviability, has been acomplished, what is the point of evolving more?
eiji- You seem driven by this Idea that humans could be better thatn they are. Your stick for judging this seems to be evolution- people could be more fit to survive. If this is innacurate please correct me.<<
You are somewhat on target, maybe not the bull's eye though. Look, what else would you do if your gender itself was always held against you?? THAT is what I've faced since I was merely 7, and I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. Besides... I think that the fact I'm a sexual "man-animal" (to para-quote L. Ron Hubbard) seems to scare the girls off.. and when I don't go "friend hunting" I'm just "non-existent" to them... (like I could talk to them and they wouldn't even hear me).
>>I invite you to consider two things. First, Sexuality is a survival trait. Those who reproduce more are better adapted<<
Well, then I guess my bloodline is doomed... since reproduction is not an option for me (inherited genetic defect)
>>sure, we could do it artificially, but dependance on outside sources for reproduction would not be a survival trait.<<
Actually, survival of the "fittest" has become survival of the "smartest" since the Industrial Revolution.
>>Second, humans have already evolved to a point where survival is taken for granted (at least in developed countries). for millenia now our energies have been turned to the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and the latest fad, instead of survival. So when the real purpose of evolution- increasing surviability, has been acomplished, what is the point of evolving more?<<
Simple... "why stop there"???
Castration of serial rapists would solve a lot of problems. I don't see it necessary for every guy who commits a rape though, for this reason: I hate to say this, but in this day and age a lot of women take advantage of sexual harassment/rape charges and do really stupid things (like performing stripteases at parties and then doing lap dances and touching men while giggling, that sort of thing) and then yelling "Rape!" While women who do things like that shouldn't be raped, they also lack common sense and should be able to forsee what would happen.
In relation to all instances of rape,these incidents don't happen terribly often, but they do happen (especially with alcohol is a key factor, in which case things are completely screwed up, anyway.)
Basically what I'm saying is that a lot of rapes have more to do with a lack of common sense on both parts than with an overload of testosterone.
I actually know a woman who was ordered not to have any more children, at least I think that was the case. She had 6 children and she wasn't taking care of any of them. 5 of them were put into foster homes, and the woman kept the youngest for a while (last I heard, the youngest may have been on his way to a foster home, as well.) I don't think that forced sterilization is a bad idea with cases like this. It is easier with men, but what to do when all the kids of different fathers? China has the right idea... but I was talking to a friend recently about the situation in China. Because of their culture female infanticide has skyrocketed, and they have a high male population. Not only that, but they have a high male population full of people with "little emperor" (only-child)syndrome. Ha!
So, basically they have a whole generation of male spoiled brats. I'm being slightly facetious, but that is the case.
but in this day and age a lot of women take advantage of sexual harassment/rape charges and do really stupid things (like performing stripteases at parties and then doing lap dances and touching men while giggling, that sort of thing) and then yelling "Rape!"<<
Sparkle, you hit the nail on the head.... Most of the time though, I don't even go to parties (not able to fit in there since I don't drink... can't stand the taste of beer)
I have a few distant relatives who never married, none that I've ever met. It's funny, because that's usually the first thing anyone mentions about people who didn't marry. "And then there's old Susie, she never married, you know". That sort of thing.
I do think that my mother is asexual, oddly enough. She didn't marry until she was WAY above the average age for marrying, and I think she only married for the sake of marrying. She has never said anything about any attractive man/woman. I know she never really dated anyone until she was 30 or something. She expresses disgust when she hears women (or even men) talk about the attractive attributes another person may have. It seems that she finds physical attraction in poor taste.
So, she's either asexual or really repressed. Who knows?
I consider myself repressed.... Have to be if I don't want to be considered the "potential rapist" that I keep hearing my sister call "ALL men". (and I'm POSTIVE she's not alone in thinking that... but I say that if they HAVE to think that, leave the FOURTH AMENDMENT in the equation!!!!!!!)
Greetings Everyone!
I think this email raising a very interesting, and potentially controversial point - i hope that it not become TOO personal..but what are people thoughts on masturbation, and still claiming to be, or feeling asexual? i guess this is dependant upon the definition..which we have yet to clarify (and i think will forever remain ambigious..hehe).
I personally feel that asexual to me relates to the desire of partaking is sexual activity with another physical being....but i also understand the mentality of not engaging in any sexual activity, including oneself. This is one area, i am still unsure about..would love to hear all your thoughts!
well, I confess I do "rub myself that way" sometimes....
But I have a DAMN good reason... it's to keep myself from having "wet dreams"... Every dream I've EVER had with any remote relation to sex always turned into a nightmare for me.
sex is pleasurable.... and to a worker pleasure is sacrilige to the sanctity of labor.
Workers are just cogs in the machine of industry... they aren't desgined to have emotions, drives (other than survival), or other such frivolous wants....
Besides, I never said that I'd like sex punishable by death... that upsets the labor system... (sterlization would only be for repeat offenders).
Face it, sex is a drug.. and that kind of drug should be in the same boat as pot and heroin... ILLEGAL.
Workers are just cogs in the machine of industry... they aren't desgined to have emotions, drives (other than survival), or other such frivolous wants....<<
Umm...this is your utopia? I thought that this was the reason we should embrace technology, because workers are not without emotions and desires, as well they shouldn't be. Would you want to be treated by an emotionless doctor, or taught by a passionless instructor? I don't understand how the world which you describe is supposed to be an improvement over the extant one, and I'm fairly certain that you have no desire to make yourself clearly understood.
Incidentally, I think pot and heroin and all other personal vices should be completely legalized. If you want to think of it in labor terms, we expend far too many resources attempting to curtail behavior that really cannot be controlled on a wide-scale basis.
It seems like one good place to take this discussion would be to talk about how sexuality ties into sexism. I'd delve into this topic but I have to go TA, if anyone else is interested in this topic please discuss.<
I relate to you there, Comrade.... I've been accused of sexism ever since puberty. It's just not safe to be male anyomre.
I relate to you there, Comrade.... I've been accused of sexism ever since puberty. It's just not safe to be male anyomre.<<
Actually, it isn't safe to be anything other than male in this world.
...who is still awaiting some explanation of why so many members of the dominant sex are so at odds with their dominance.
Yes porn objectivies women, that's the entire point of porn!! Porn was put on this earth so that men could satisfy their sexual urges without cheating on their wives or going on a sexual rampage. What is worse? A man who acts out his sexual urges and forces women to have sex (rape, or consetual), or a man who goes and buys porn and takes care of business that way. To me, masterbating, is just like taking a pee. Everyone takes a pee, so why shouldn't everyone release their semen? Some people choose to have sex, I choose masterbating. In my opinion, that makes me asexual. I agree with eiji, sex is a drug. But in my opinion, if you are responsible with it, then it shouldn't be a problem. The problem isn't in outlawing sex, its Eiji's whole outlook on life. A few people abuse marijuana, but should be outlawed. A few people abuse sex, should it be outlawed? I think not. Should alcohol, cigarettes, red meat, eggs, soda, video games, the internet, inline skates be outlawed? They're all abused by a tiny majority of the population. Eiji would say outlaw them all. I would say the opposite.
Just because something is "wrong" or "evil" or "dangerous" doesn't mean it should be outlawed. Most of the people here are consenting adults who know how to make a responsible choice for themselves. WE don't need some government telling us what's right, and what's wrong with the things we do in our privacy.
That's my main point.
Yes porn objectivies women, that's the entire point of porn!! Porn was put on this earth so that men could satisfy their sexual urges without cheating on their wives or going on a sexual rampage. What is worse? A man who acts out his sexual urges and forces women to have sex (rape, or consetual), or a man who goes and buys porn and takes care of business that way.<<
I have a hard time buying this "porn prevents greater vices argument." Men who use porn probably aren't any less likely to be cheats than their non-porn using counterparts. Often, porn is a prelude to seeking out the services of prostitutes and the like. Nevertheless, I don't have a problem with it as long as those involved are all consenting adults, as I've mentioned previously.
well, I confess I do "rub myself that way" sometimes....
But I have a DAMN good reason... it's to keep myself from having "wet dreams"... Every dream I've EVER had with any remote relation to sex always turned into a nightmare for me.
First of all, Platonic Pimp I competely agree with you. Eiji, after your last post, you must obviously agree with us as well. Sex does lead to reduced production. I read somewhere that men have thoughts regarding sex every 7 seconds. How are we supposed to better society with that kind of attention span? I also read in Maxim that women if they are having sex, think about sex all the time, if they aren't having sex, it's like 2-3 times a day. I think this is true for guys as well. Since I've never had sex, I haven't really thought of sex much since I went through puberty. Of course all that extra time has gone to thinking about other stuff that 'society' deems unimportant such as philosophy, metaphysics and skating.
In regards to population control, at the beginning of this year, I had the same mentality, that the world is overpopulated, and that sterlization or some other form of population control is necessary. Unfortunetely, this isn't the case. While its true that population is rising, especially in countries like India, there are bigger issues. Did you know that the wealthiest 20% of the world use 77% of the world's natural resources? Its true. One person in America will consume more food, water, electricty, and produce more garbage than 7 people in the Third World. So obviously the problem isn't in the third world, its here at home. Instead of worrying about overpopulated the world, we should worry about distributing the world's natural resources better. More about China's One Child Policy later.
WE don't need some government telling us what's right, and what's wrong with the things we do in our privacy.<<
Tell that to the State of Georgia... sex toys are illegal there.. so's oral sex (if you can belive that)..
And it's the government that compromised my freedoms to be male by passing some poorly thought out "sexual harrasment" laws that leave me constantly looking over my shoulder (the policy at my college was so loose I could be expelled for just glancing at a girl to avoid crashing into her).
My outlook on life??? Well, I have nothing against skating... what's a few scrapes? Even the best safty measures don't stop those... but with sex the results can be catastrophic (unwanted pregnancy, abortion, AIDS, Syphilis, etc.)
My outlook on life??? Well, I have nothing against skating... what's a few scrapes? Even the best safty measures don't stop those... but with sex the results can be catastrophic (unwanted pregnancy, abortion, AIDS, Syphilis, etc.)<<
Good Grief! The results of driving a car can be catastrophic. Would you suggest that we outlaw all motor vehicles? Apparently, working in a skyscraper in a major U.S. city can be catastrophic. Almost everything that we do on a regular basis can have catastrophic consequences. What we have to look at then is what is the intended purpose of the act is. When most persons have sex, I assume that they're trying to achieve some pleasurable end, not that they're trying to bring about a catastrophy.
Diseases are the very reason sex should be eradicated.... Eugenics for all.
Diseases are the very reason sex should be eradicated.... Eugenics for all.<<
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Most of the diseases which are rampant in modern society are not sexually or genetically transmitted. Moreover, most STDs are extremely benign. Syphilis is one of the only diseases remaining in which all cases can be cured with freaking penecillin. I don't know why I'm allowing myself to become riled by this discussion.
I have a few distant relatives who never married, none that I've ever met. It's funny, because that's usually the first thing anyone mentions about people who didn't marry. "And then there's old Susie, she never married, you know". That sort of thing.
I do think that my mother is asexual, oddly enough. She didn't marry until she was WAY above the average age for marrying, and I think she only married for the sake of marrying. She has never said anything about any attractive man/woman. I know she never really dated anyone until she was 30 or something. She expresses disgust when she hears women (or even men) talk about the attractive attributes another person may have. It seems that she finds physical attraction in poor taste.
So, she's either asexual or really repressed. Who knows?
None of my three sisters are married and none of us really has any intention of doing so. Hmmm...was there some deficiency in our upbringing? Are we all frigid and repressed? Oh dear, what's the world to do with all these poor, little virgins?
Castration of serial rapists would solve a lot of problems. I don't see it necessary for every guy who commits a rape though, for this reason: I hate to say this, but in this day and age a lot of women take advantage of sexual harassment/rape charges and do really stupid things (like performing stripteases at parties and then doing lap dances and touching men while giggling, that sort of thing) and then yelling "Rape!" While women who do things like that shouldn't be raped, they also lack common sense and should be able to forsee what would happen.
In relation to all instances of rape,these incidents don't happen terribly often, but they do happen (especially with alcohol is a key factor, in which case things are completely screwed up, anyway.)
Basically what I'm saying is that a lot of rapes have more to do with a lack of common sense on both parts than with an overload of testosterone.
I actually know a woman who was ordered not to have any more children, at least I think that was the case. She had 6 children and she wasn't taking care of any of them. 5 of them were put into foster homes, and the woman kept the youngest for a while (last I heard, the youngest may have been on his way to a foster home, as well.) I don't think that forced sterilization is a bad idea with cases like this. It is easier with men, but what to do when all the kids of different fathers? China has the right idea... but I was talking to a friend recently about the situation in China. Because of their culture female infanticide has skyrocketed, and they have a high male population. Not only that, but they have a high male population full of people with "little emperor" (only-child)syndrome. Ha!
So, basically they have a whole generation of male spoiled brats. I'm being slightly facetious, but that is the case.
Castration of serial rapists would solve a lot of problems.<<
Sigh, I know that the following statement is practically a cliche but: RAPE IS NOT SIMPLY ABOUT SEX. It's about domination and ego-boosting. I cringe to think what more horrible ways rapists will come up with to violate their victims when they've been relieved of their erections.
I consider myself repressed.... Have to be if I don't want to be considered the "potential rapist" that I keep hearing my sister call "ALL men". (and I'm POSTIVE she's not alone in thinking that... but I say that if they HAVE to think that, leave the FOURTH AMENDMENT in the equation!!!!!!!)
I consider myself repressed.... Have to be if I don't want to be considered the "potential rapist" that I keep hearing my sister call "ALL men". (and I'm POSTIVE she's not alone in thinking that... but I say that if they HAVE to think that, leave the FOURTH AMENDMENT in the equation!!!!!!!)<<
Look, blaming your sexual repression on flighty women is convenient as hell, but very disingenuous at the core. There are a lot of women who are incredibly sexually aggressive and they make themselves very well known. Why not go take up with one of them. The problem is that men get rebuffed by women who never solicited their attention and then they assume that all women are adverse toward sexual advances, which is not at all the case.
eiji- You seem driven by this Idea that humans could be better thatn they are. Your stick for judging this seems to be evolution- people could be more fit to survive. If this is innacurate please correct me.<<
You are somewhat on target, maybe not the bull's eye though. Look, what else would you do if your gender itself was always held against you?? THAT is what I've faced since I was merely 7, and I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. Besides... I think that the fact I'm a sexual "man-animal" (to para-quote L. Ron Hubbard) seems to scare the girls off.. and when I don't go "friend hunting" I'm just "non-existent" to them... (like I could talk to them and they wouldn't even hear me).
>>I invite you to consider two things. First, Sexuality is a survival trait. Those who reproduce more are better adapted<<
Well, then I guess my bloodline is doomed... since reproduction is not an option for me (inherited genetic defect)
>>sure, we could do it artificially, but dependance on outside sources for reproduction would not be a survival trait.<<
Actually, survival of the "fittest" has become survival of the "smartest" since the Industrial Revolution.
>>Second, humans have already evolved to a point where survival is taken for granted (at least in developed countries). for millenia now our energies have been turned to the pursuit of knowledge, beauty, and the latest fad, instead of survival. So when the real purpose of evolution- increasing surviability, has been acomplished, what is the point of evolving more?<<
Simple... "why stop there"???
Why Stop there? no need. WHy do anything you don't need to do, unless it's fun? It's inneficient, if you ask me. That's not a survival trait.
The industrial revolution is so new that it has no effect on evolution yet and won't for millenia. Besides, it's not that the fit survive, and if you think that you don't understand darwinism. The fit don't survive, Those that survive are Declared Fit.
Castration of serial rapists would solve a lot of problems.<<
Sigh, I know that the following statement is practically a cliche but: RAPE IS NOT SIMPLY ABOUT SEX. It's about domination and ego-boosting. I cringe to think what more horrible ways rapists will come up with to violate their victims when they've been relieved of their erections.
Rape is about Power and Domination, but if you castrate the individaul they'll find other ways of establishing their power, like Venture capitalism or other forms of violent crime.
Judysins lists many excellent points. OK a major redistribution of wealth should be in the works, but hey the top notchos support political parties and are considered non-touchables. The latest course of human events is the hope of human evolution to be at one with God via meditation. Have hospitals of thinking to cure ills instead of ,as Bones of Enterprise said it, crude methods of surgery and pills. The thralldom of mortal identification (ego) can be horrific or elating. The extreme pain of my surgery hit home the still low level of medical solutions. Anxiety and depression brought home the search for deeper meaning to life, a patience and awareness of human strengths and weaknesses. Search deep within yourself , it takes time, read, search. The answers are within each individual. Do not be satified with literal, shallow answers. The world is a stage from which we can learn the good, the evil, and the indifferent. The Utopia can exist within each of us. No one can do it for you. You must do it yourself. If each person in the world practiced peace and non-violence within and without harmony would reign. Let us face it God is creator and destroyer, peace and chaos. Without the light and shadow the world wouldn't exist- it wouldn't have to.
Your lust thralldom appears to be consuming much of your mental energies. There are ways to transfer those attentions elsewhere. I don't mean to negate those energies , but apply them to seemly healthier pursuits than financially supporting the porn industry.
Workers are just cogs in the machine of industry... they aren't desgined to have emotions, drives (other than survival), or other such frivolous wants....<<
Umm...this is your utopia? I thought that this was the reason we should embrace technology, because workers are not without emotions and desires, as well they shouldn't be. Would you want to be treated by an emotionless doctor, or taught by a passionless instructor? I don't understand how the world which you describe is supposed to be an improvement over the extant one, and I'm fairly certain that you have no desire to make yourself clearly understood.
Incidentally, I think pot and heroin and all other personal vices should be completely legalized. If you want to think of it in labor terms, we expend far too many resources attempting to curtail behavior that really cannot be controlled on a wide-scale basis.
Arg!! For some reason I stopped getting posts E-mailed to me. Time to catch up. Judy, thanks for saying everything that I wish I had.
Rape is definitely about power, not sex. A glancing look at rape psychology will tell you that. Blaming overpopulation, rape, and all of these other social problems on sex seems like blaming global warming on the sun. Sex is a fact of our world, and honestly I don't see where this entire "outlawing sex" discussion is going. It seems like there's alot of moral broadsiding of sex and sexuality. Are we trying to prove that we're morally or in some other way superior to sexual people? I honestly don't see that as constructive. While a hypothetical what-would-the-world-be-without-sex discussion would be good to have, it seems like there are many more relevant topics for discussion on this forum. Among them: What does it mean to identify as asexual? How do we tell other people about it? How can we get asexuality in the greater social lexicon? Do we want to? How does intimacy work for asexual v sexual people? What does a "marraige-equivalent" relationship look like? Is there one? Could it be with a sexual person(binary distinctions aside)? What does asexuality MEAN to the various people on this forum? What role(s) do people want this forum to take? (Sidenote: what do people think about establishing some sort of an asexual message board with multiple areas for different discussions to take place?)
I'd also like to say that the women's rights movement is intrinsically linked to the discussions that we're having around asexuality. Not being sexist in this society is like not being materialistic: it's psychologically impossible to not get caught up in the overwhelming social dynamics around us. I, as an asexual man, am sexist every waking hour of every day, despite my efforts not to be. On the whole it is DEFINITELY harder to be a woman than a man in this society. And alot of the reasons behind that are tied up in the idea that anything which differs from the gender-rolled heterosexual (not to be reduntant, but) SEXUAL relationship is dangerous, bad, or not worth mentioning. You don't have to dig that deep into femenist theory to start getting stuff that's relevant to our discussions here, and while there are a scant few people out there who go crazy with it the VAST majority of it is essential to our society and benefitial specifically to asexual people.
Eiji, What I'm seeing in all youre post is a lot of personal issues with how the world is. Now that is understandable, because the world is fucked up. But that's because people are fucked up, and guess what, so are you. So am I. everyone is. You seem to mistake your personal hangups for a superior way of looking at things. I'm sounding selfrighteous by accident, but I don't think you would have any right to call me on it right now. To be honest you're pissing me and others off, because you are introducing topics of conversation into the forums that don't belong here. I don't see how you are an Asexual, or supportive of them. I know you envy them, becaus eyou think that they are in some way superior. They aren't Superior to sexuals. They just have a different way of existing. I think you have these high Ideals for mankind and are upset subconciously by the realization that you don't meet your own criteria. I invite you to examine your criteria for judging humanity, but I doubt you'll take me up on that. But this is not the forum for these things. Find a Eugenics forum and a Utopia forum for your other opinions.
Kindly stick to the topics of Asexuality from now on. Thanks.