Haven for the Human Amoeba

4,251 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] hi all

Parent Comment
4,252 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] I don't know

Parent Comment

Hello everyone! I have a problem. I never had any lover and personnaly I can't imagine myself in a relationship, including have sexual relations. However, I want to be in a relationship and have sexual relations like everybody. So what's wrong with me? Can anyone help me? Gaëlle

4,253 / 4,883
iillina_z iillina z
iillina z

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] I don't know

Parent Comment

what about for a person as myself... i want a relationship but i do not care for sex at all?

4,254 / 4,883
ktkmatt Katie Mattison
Katie Mattison

Interesting article about asexual reproduction in sharks...



4,255 / 4,883


good morning everyone, may you all have a beautiful day filled with true love. kisses, fairymatita

4,256 / 4,883

To Palatinus

hello, i tried to get in touch with you but couldn't get through. please keep in touch by e-mail. Later, fairymatita:)

4,257 / 4,883
elfiness Palatinus

For you :P


4,258 / 4,883
elfiness Palatinus

about the flower

I guess i should explain that flower message...

It was intended for a certain person I met in this list

I'd like just to let everyone know about that and that I am very happy you are my chat friend. I don't know if we will ever meet, but since we talked, my moments have become pinker, and I expect this is mutual... Honestly, I don't know what I should feel about you, but if it wasn't for the great distance between us, perhaps things would be much different for both

I just hope that if we never meet sometime in the future, you will find the love you seek

Thank you for sending that certain message a couple of days ago :)

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4,259 / 4,883

What's the big deal?

today after church i was talking with the ladies and one of them asked me what i had planned for the week. well i told her i was not sure yet but maybe go to the mall with a friend or something. she asked well which friend and i told her it was a guy friend that i've been talking to at the activity center i go to once in a while. then all the ladies just stopped and looked at me??? well, i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends. especially if we made it very clear to one another that we are just friends with no intimate expectations. i mean i'm not going to tell the intire church that i am not sleeping with this friend cuzz i'm asexual cuzz thats really non of there business but they should not just ASUME i'm sleeping with the guy just cuzz we hang out!!!it's just really annoying that ppl can be so closed up to freindships just because it's boy/girl type freindship. i like to talk to all types of ppl. i have gay relatives that i'm close to, but also religious relatives.i have educated family and family that dropped out, so i like talking to all ppl. and i like talking with my neighbor who just moved here a few months ago. i think we have alot in common. like we both lost our spouse, we're new in the neighborhood, we like to eat out. so i get along with my neighbor but that does not mean we have any intentions of dateing, i mean the guy is 75 years old and i'm only 28 so i would not be dating him, his daughter is older than i am!!! now his daughter knows i hang out at her dads house but she's cool with that cuzz she is glad he has someone to talk to when she's not there and she understands that i have no intimate feelings for him. so i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends and just hanging out one on one, not always in these group get togethers.

4,260 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] What's the big deal?

Parent Comment

today after church i was talking with the ladies and one of them asked me what i had planned for the week. well i told her i was not sure yet but maybe go to the mall with a friend or something. she asked well which friend and i told her it was a guy friend that i've been talking to at the activity center i go to once in a while. then all the ladies just stopped and looked at me??? well, i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends. especially if we made it very clear to one another that we are just friends with no intimate expectations. i mean i'm not going to tell the intire church that i am not sleeping with this friend cuzz i'm asexual cuzz thats really non of there business but they should not just ASUME i'm sleeping with the guy just cuzz we hang out!!!it's just really annoying that ppl can be so closed up to freindships just because it's boy/girl type freindship. i like to talk to all types of ppl. i have gay relatives that i'm close to, but also religious relatives.i have educated family and family that dropped out, so i like talking to all ppl. and i like talking with my neighbor who just moved here a few months ago. i think we have alot in common. like we both lost our spouse, we're new in the neighborhood, we like to eat out. so i get along with my neighbor but that does not mean we have any intentions of dateing, i mean the guy is 75 years old and i'm only 28 so i would not be dating him, his daughter is older than i am!!! now his daughter knows i hang out at her dads house but she's cool with that cuzz she is glad he has someone to talk to when she's not there and she understands that i have no intimate feelings for him. so i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends and just hanging out one on one, not always in these group get togethers.

Well here's the problem. Sexual people have dirty minds whether they go to church or not. If you say a man stayed over night at your house, to them, its like saying you had wild sex all night with him. If a girl stays over night at my house, she is probably going home disappointed if she was wanting something more than a roof over her head.

The same kind of thing happens to nudists. Nudism is not a sexual activity and open sex is strictly prohibited in all nudist resorts worldwide. Some don't even allow causal contact such as kissing or holding hands. Yet if you talk about nudist resorts to a non-nudist the first thing they think of is sex. Its because of their own dirty minds.

Next time, you have to assume that if you reveal your association with this guy to a sexual person, they WILL assume the worst. So don't do it.


On , fairymatita said:

today after church i was talking with the ladies and one of them asked me what i had planned for the week. well i told her i was not sure yet but maybe go to the mall with a friend or something. she asked well which friend and i told her it was a guy friend that i've been talking to at the activity center i go to once in a while. then all the ladies just stopped and looked at me??? well, i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends. especially if we made it very clear to one another that we are just friends with no intimate expectations. i mean i'm not going to tell the intire church that i am not sleeping with this friend cuzz i'm asexual cuzz thats really non of there business but they should not just ASUME i'm sleeping with the guy just cuzz we hang out!!!it's just really annoying that ppl can be so closed up to freindships just because it's boy/girl type freindship. i like to talk to all types of ppl. i have gay relatives that i'm close to, but also religious relatives.i have educated family and family that dropped out, so i like talking to all ppl. and i like talking with my neighbor who just moved here a few months ago. i think we have alot in common. like we both lost our spouse, we're new in the neighborhood, we like to eat out. so i get along with my neighbor but that does not mean we have any intentions of dateing, i mean the guy is 75 years old and i'm only 28 so i would not be dating him, his daughter is older than i am!!! now his daughter knows i hang out at her dads house but she's cool with that cuzz she is glad he has someone to talk to when she's not there and she understands that i have no intimate feelings for him. so i don't see what the big deal is about men and women being friends and just hanging out one on one, not always in these group get togethers.

Yahoo! Groups Links

4,261 / 4,883
bopopessa mary reese
mary reese

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] What's the big deal?

4,262 / 4,883
thailandchani Chani


Just checking to find out how active this group might be. I am 56, asexual, extreme Thaiphile, like reading, writing, blogging, reading some more, nature, friends...

And so on.

Peace to all,


4,263 / 4,883
bopopessa mary reese
mary reese

Desperate Help Needed

To my friends and family, I have recently come across something that jis tearing my heart out. As I read this article the tears started flowing. Justice must be served for these poor dogs. Instead of going on the tirade I feel I am just going to send you the facts and ask your help seeing justice done. Mary PS Please send this information on to anyone and everyone you know who is an animal lover.

Yesterday's Baltimore Sun carried this story about Michael Vicks, dog fighting and the cruelty inflicted that goes even beyond the horrors of dog fighting:


This is Atlanta Falcon's feedback forum: http://www.atlantafalcons.com/About/Contact_Us.aspx Please take a moment to email both and express your opinion on the acts of 'NFL star' Vicks.

Here you can petition NFL to suspend him:



http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/peter_king/07/18/vick.league/index.html?cnn=yes - the league response for now - we are being heard already!!!

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/07/17/dohrmann.vick/index.html - more on the story

http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2007/images/07/18/ind.pdf - itemized crimes by Vick

Also, email the NFL at http://www.nfl.com/help/emailtech and let them know what you think.

Hit him Michael Vick in his wallet! He is a spokesperson for Nike. You can e-mail them at: https://nike-store.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/nike_store.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_sid=rpgg9XGi&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=113&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0yMDgsMjA4JnBfcHJvZHM9JnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**

Surry county information:

Commonwealth's Attorney: Gerald G. Poindexter SURRY COUNTY Post Office Box 358 Surry, Virginia 23883 (804) 294-3118 FAX: (804) 294-3560

4,264 / 4,883
bopopessa mary reese
mary reese

Re: Desperate Help Needed

I didn't realize that Pat had emailed everyone that I emailed. This is my response to her.

Pat, What is in the news right now are the Federal charges that he & several other co-conspirators were indicted on this week. The local and possible state charges are pending and should be made within the week. This case is beyond disgusting! These poor dogs that were saved are under the care of the Humane Society of the United States. No being should have to go through what they've been through.

I think it is high time that all sports figures and for that matter hollywood stars and CEO's etc. anybody who gets multimillion dollar contracts and by their mere existence in the public eye become role models to our youth should have in their contracts a clause that immediately makes their contract null & void without a penny more in compensation nor the chance of ever being hired in that capacity by any other enitity if they commit any action deemed unbecoming to a role model, including being involved in any type of activity that is a violation of the law period. And I don't care how poor your childhood was or how talented you are on the athletic field, the big screen or the boardroom. It is no excuse for not using common sense and exercising good moral judgement at all times. In my play book no one should reap outlandish benefits in the form of bloated salaries and multi-million dollar contracts when they can't behave in a civilized manner and obey the law like the rest of us are expected to.

"Pat Edwards" <pedwards@...>
<abfan@...>; <grayfire@...>; <Kaybpearl@...>; <MarlynMason7@...>; <mdcook@...>; <mdullaart@...>; <babridal@...>; <irissue@...>; <linda614@...>; <bocelli@...>; <susiebu@...>; <mdklakov@...>; <justallie@...>; <villalobos.community@...>; <aliciam1231@...>; <brltch@...>; <lesadb45@...>; <ljd420@...>; <marysplace@...>; <k_williams0225@...>; <Cami_Young@...>; <Toni_Anderson@...>; <tim@...>; <mcneil@...>; <osgen@...>; <almafriends1@...>; <Blazinkuo@...>; <courtneyglazer@...>; <crybabyxjd@...>; <rmari81@...>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Thursday, July 19, 2007 9:45 AM
Re: Desperate Help Needed

before judging michael vick, wouldn't it be better (and more just) to hear BOTH sides? was vick one of the abusers, or was his involvement more inadvertant? i don't know. do you? is there any difference? we all know what happens when we assume... pat edwards ********************

"mary reese" <marysplace@...> 07/19/07 11:44 AM >>> To my friends and family, I have recently come across something that jis tearing my heart out. As I read this article the tears started flowing. Justice must be served for these poor dogs. Instead of going on the tirade I feel I am just going to send you the facts and ask your help seeing justice done. Mary PS Please send this information on to anyone and everyone you know who is an animal lover.

Yesterday's Baltimore Sun carried this story about Michael Vicks, dog fighting and the cruelty inflicted that goes even beyond the horrors of dog fighting:


This is Atlanta Falcon's feedback forum: http://www.atlantafalcons.com/About/Contact_Us.aspx Please take a moment to email both and express your opinion on the acts of 'NFL star' Vicks.

Here you can petition NFL to suspend him:



http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/peter_king/07/18/vick.league/index.html?cnn=yes - the league response for now - we are being heard already!!!

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/07/17/dohrmann.vick/index.html - more on the story

http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2007/images/07/18/ind.pdf - itemized crimes by Vick

Also, email the NFL at http://www.nfl.com/help/emailtech and let them know what you think.

Hit him Michael Vick in his wallet! He is a spokesperson for Nike. You can e-mail them at: https://nike-store.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/nike_store.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_sid=rpgg9XGi&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=113&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0yMDgsMjA4JnBfcHJvZHM9JnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**

Surry county information:

Commonwealth's Attorney: Gerald G. Poindexter SURRY COUNTY Post Office Box 358 Surry, Virginia 23883 (804) 294-3118 FAX: (804) 294-3560

and his cohorts

4,265 / 4,883

i just can't say it

friday for my birthday, my older sister came by to bring a gift. i was so pleased to see her and my nephews. as she gave me my gift from her, my nephews then gave me one from each of them. as my youngest nephew gave me his gift he says i love you. i was caught by surprised and just froze!!! i could not say those words back to him!!! now, i was raised in an abusive home and those emotions were never expressed. but i try so hard not to use that as an excuse after all, i make my own decisons now. but i still do not know what to do or say when someone says that to me. i did not know how to react but i just smiled as my nephew sat down and colored his book. my automatic reaction to those words have always been yeah sure, whatever. i don't mean to brush it off as if they meant nothing. but i now wonder if i even know what those words really mean when said to me. have i become a cold hearted bitch?? i care very much for my family and i would do any thing for them but i noticed, when someone leaves me, i never show emotion. it could be a family member or a best friend or an IM buddy that i've never even met, and others will be so sad to see those people go but not me. i just assume i did something to make them leave and i was not loved after all. could this be the reason i'm asexual (i know you can't answer me that, you have never met me)i thought i knew but maybe i don't know what it is to be loved. not truelly at least.well, have a great day everyone ~KISSES~

4,266 / 4,883
simarik757 Jessica

Re: Desperate Help Needed

Parent Comment

To my friends and family, I have recently come across something that jis tearing my heart out. As I read this article the tears started flowing. Justice must be served for these poor dogs. Instead of going on the tirade I feel I am just going to send you the facts and ask your help seeing justice done. Mary PS Please send this information on to anyone and everyone you know who is an animal lover.

Yesterday's Baltimore Sun carried this story about Michael Vicks, dog fighting and the cruelty inflicted that goes even beyond the horrors of dog fighting:


This is Atlanta Falcon's feedback forum: http://www.atlantafalcons.com/About/Contact_Us.aspx Please take a moment to email both and express your opinion on the acts of 'NFL star' Vicks.

Here you can petition NFL to suspend him:



http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/peter_king/07/18/vick.league/index.html?cnn=yes - the league response for now - we are being heard already!!!

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/07/17/dohrmann.vick/index.html - more on the story

http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2007/images/07/18/ind.pdf - itemized crimes by Vick

Also, email the NFL at http://www.nfl.com/help/emailtech and let them know what you think.

Hit him Michael Vick in his wallet! He is a spokesperson for Nike. You can e-mail them at: https://nike-store.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/nike_store.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_sid=rpgg9XGi&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=113&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0yMDgsMjA4JnBfcHJvZHM9JnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3BhZ2U9MQ**

Surry county information:

Commonwealth's Attorney: Gerald G. Poindexter SURRY COUNTY Post Office Box 358 Surry, Virginia 23883 (804) 294-3118 FAX: (804) 294-3560

Let me tell you that I live in the next city from where this happened, and I am sickened by this. My kids have to hear about it on the news etc. Peta is based here in Norfolk, and you better believe that they will be at EVERY hearing as will I!

mary reese said:

To my friends and family, I have recently come across something that jis tearing my heart out. As I read this article the tears started flowing. Justice must be served for these poor dogs. Instead of going on the tirade I feel I am just going to send you the facts and ask your help seeing justice done. Mary PS Please send this information on to anyone and everyone you know who is an animal lover.

Yesterday's Baltimore Sun carried this story about Michael Vicks, dog fighting and the cruelty inflicted that goes even beyond the horrors of dog fighting:

http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/football/bal- vick718,0,1308464.story?coll=bal_tab03_layout

This is Atlanta Falcon's feedback forum: http://www.atlantafalcons.com/About/Contact_Us.aspx Please take a moment to email both and express your opinion on the acts of 'NFL star' Vicks.

Here you can petition NFL to suspend him:

http://www.hsus.org/hsus_field/animal_fighting_the_final_round/recent_ activities/vick_indicted.html

http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/07/18/griffin.dog.fighting.cn n

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/peter_king/07/18/vick.le ague/index.html?cnn=yes - the league response for now - we are being heard already!!!

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/football/nfl/07/17/dohrmann.vick /index.html - more on the story

http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2007/images/07/18/ind.pdf - itemized crimes by Vick

Also, email the NFL at http://www.nfl.com/help/emailtech and let them know what you think.

Hit him Michael Vick in his wallet! He is a spokesperson for Nike. You can e-mail them at: https://nike-store.custhelp.com/cgi- bin/nike_store.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php? p_sid=rpgg9XGi&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=113&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPS ZwX3NvcnRfYnk9JnBfZ3JpZHNvcnQ9JnBfcm93X2NudD0yMDgsMjA4JnBfcHJvZHM9JnBf Y2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3 BhZ2U9MQ**

Surry county information:

Commonwealth's Attorney: Gerald G. Poindexter SURRY COUNTY Post Office Box 358 Surry, Virginia 23883 (804) 294-3118 FAX: (804) 294-3560

and his cohorts

4,267 / 4,883

anyone in florida?

i am in tampa, mid 40's female. let me hear from you.

4,268 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] older asexuals

Parent Comment

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

oh i am in florida too.

Dennis Hawkins said:

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

4,269 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] older asexuals

Parent Comment

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

oh i am in florida too.

Dennis Hawkins said:

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

4,270 / 4,883

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] older asexuals

Parent Comment

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

oh i am in florida too.

Dennis Hawkins said:

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

4,271 / 4,883

looking for more asexuals

hi, i live in tampa, fl and looking for other asexuals to connect with and hopefully someday even marry again. i am a mid 40's attractive asexual female. i've always been asexual and want a close relationship,just not sex. what do i do?

4,272 / 4,883

looking for more asexuals

hi, i live in tampa, fl and looking for other asexuals to connect with and hopefully someday even marry again. i am a mid 40's attractive asexual female. i've always been asexual and want a close relationship,just not sex. what do i do?

4,273 / 4,883

Dear friends,thank you for your welcome

Let me begin by giving you a few stats. I'm a 62 yr.caucasian male,married 34 yrs.with 3 children and 7 grandkids.All the children were adopted by the way from wifes' previous relationships. I'llbe in touch later.somethings come up. Bob

4,274 / 4,883
cmdrrand tim

A personal favor.

This is an off-topic message, but my brother has started a web site called true sci-fi.com. He's had trouble with hackers but has things up and running again. I was hoping any sci-fi fans in the groups might drop by and offer any suggestions on how to improve it. Thanks, Tim...

4,275 / 4,883
n4mwd Dennis Hawkins
Dennis Hawkins

Re: [Haven for the Human Amoeba] older asexuals

Parent Comment

oh i am in florida too.

Dennis Hawkins said:

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

I live in Palm Beach County. Its just to the east of the lake. I'm 45 and male. I'm not really interested in a relationship, but I'm always on the lookout for new friends.


On , leilak561 said:

oh i am in florida too.

Dennis Hawkins said:

You came to the right place to meet other asexuals. There are lots of us out there. I live in South FLorida.


On , eljaykay1954 said:

asexuals who are in my age group. Also I would like to actually meet and have friendships with asexuals who live in my area ( upstate NY). Is anyone out there?

Yahoo! Groups Links